By Cinder Ernst– In the past several columns, we have been looking at posture and how to adjust yours so you look better, feel better and have an easier time…
By Cinder Ernst– In the last several columns, we have looked at upper body posture and how to improve yours. As always, the exercises and coaching we offer at Easy…
By Cinder Ernst– At Easy Fitness, we always want to give you a clear view on how your body works and the simplest way to make improvements. In the last…
By Cinder Ernst– Your best-bet posture depends upon the alignment of your spine, from your tail bone to the base of your head. When mom used to say, “Sit up…
By John Chen– Picture it: 1978. The home team was down three runs in the bottom of the final inning with two outs. But, the bases were juiced, and before…
By Cinder Ernst This is the third article in a series about strengthening your core. So far, we’ve discussed core anatomy, we’ve discovered that you can’t spot reduce, and that…
By Cinder Ernst This is the second article on core strengthening. Your core is made up of muscles that support your mid-section. These muscles must be strong and flexible to…
By Cinder Ernst We’ve all seen commercials selling the idea that you can do enough crunches on a magic contraption to make your belly disappear. The truth is that you…
By Cinder Ernst Adequate physical strength is the foundation to achieving your goals and dreams with comfort and confidence! To fulfill your desires with more ease, you might want to…
By Cinder Ernst Can you imagine exercising consistently and without struggle? In the last few columns we’ve been looking at you being your own personal trainer. (That is the crux…
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