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    Gay Olympians Standing Strong and Proud

    Gay Olympians Standing Strong and Proud

    By Jamie Leno Zimron– Two gay American athletes, figure skater Adam Rippon and freestyle skier Gus Kenworthy, made heroic headlines even before the 2018 Olympic Winter Games began. They both…

    Winter Olympics 2018 Takes LGBT Sports Movement to the Next Level

    Winter Olympics 2018 Takes LGBT Sports Movement to the Next Level

    By Tom Temprano– I’m about as much of a temperate-weather loving California native as there is. Having grown up in sunny SoCal and spent my whole adult life in San…

    Overcoming the Fear of Anxiety

    Overcoming the Fear of Anxiety

    By Tom Moon, MFT– Ron is well-paid and valued at his job, but despite good performance reviews and repeated assurances that his position is secure, he constantly worries that any…

    Stop the Spread of D.C.’s Hate and Intolerance

    Stop the Spread of D.C.’s Hate and Intolerance

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting A painful truth that we have learned from the last election is that those with hate in their hearts are more common than we thought. Even…

    Protect Oakland Library Funding

    Protect Oakland Library Funding

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– The Oakland City Council will hear options for a library funding Measure. One of the options is from the Mayor/Administration, which will have…

    Wanda Landowska: Going for Baroque

    Wanda Landowska: Going for Baroque

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– The beautiful music filling the concert hall may have been familiar to some in the audience, but the sound of it was something unusual, unknown. In…

    When Is Old Old?

    When Is Old Old?

    By Dr. Tim Seelig– Is age really just a number? Take yourself back in time. It could be a month, a year, or decades ago. When was the very first…

    Curated: San Francisco Wall Painting (1979/2017) by Richard Jackson

    Curated: San Francisco Wall Painting (1979/2017) by Richard Jackson

    Now at the de Young The site-specific panoramic diptych San Francisco Wall Painting (1970/2017) by artist Richard Jackson was recently added to the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco’s holdings…

    Time to Cross Borders

    Time to Cross Borders

    By Lyndsey Schlax– (Editor’s Note: Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts launched the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course in 2015. She…

    Marching for the Dream, DREAMERS and a Fair 2020 Census

    Marching for the Dream, DREAMERS and a Fair 2020 Census

    By Andrea Shorter– This past Saturday, hundreds of thousands of true believers in equality joined Women’s Marches around the country and world. Many of us who marched continue to share…