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    Homosexuality and the Harlem Renaissance

    Homosexuality and the Harlem Renaissance

    Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts is teaching the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course, according to dis­trict officials. In this column,…

    SF AIDS Foundation Launches Public Campaign to Fund New Castro Health Center: ‘Strut’

    San Francisco AIDS Foundation launched the public phase of “The Campaign for Health & Wellness,” having raised more than $12.2 million of its $15 million goal. The campaign funds the…

    Balancing Civil Rights and Religious Freedom

    Balancing Civil Rights and Religious Freedom

    The idea that someone can be fired for exercising his or her personal freedoms—especially those we have fought for, like same sex marriage—is unthinkable. This is why many, including me,…

    Tabula Rasa Presidential Candidates Continue to Detract from What’s Really at Stake

    Tabula Rasa Presidential Candidates Continue to Detract from What’s Really at Stake

    Amidst all of the sound bites, attack rhetoric and hype around trying to focus on candidate weaknesses, it is often hard to remember that we need to focus on whom,…

    Who Nominates a Supreme Court Justice Is the Best Predictor of How that Justice Will Vote in Gay Rights Cases

    Who Nominates a Supreme Court Justice Is the Best Predictor of How  that Justice Will Vote in Gay Rights Cases

    By Paula Canny, Esq. Last month, in a 5–4 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled that denying marriage rights to same sex couples violates the United States Constitution. One…

    SCOTUS Stats Analysis of the Current Supreme Court by Paula Canny, Esq.

    SCOTUS Stats Analysis of the Current Supreme Court by Paula Canny, Esq.

    John G. Roberts, Jr. (born 1/27/1955, 60 years old) Nomination: George W. Bush on 9/6/2005 Senate confirmation: 78-22 on 9/29/2005 Senate composition: 55R-45D Windsor: He found DOMA was constitutional. Obergefell:…

    Why I Support a Department of Race & Equity in Oakland

    Why I Support a Department of Race & Equity in Oakland

    The City of Oakland has many reasons as to why we should be a leader on racial justice and social equity, but despite a diverse and dedicated population, and the…

    Ready for Her, continued

    Ready for Her, continued

    Donna Sachet: “My strong support of Hillary Clinton for the next President of the United States comes from her unprecedented experience for the job. Who else has spent 8 years…

    Post-Obergefell: California Same-Sex Couples and the New Era of Federal and State Marriage Recognition

    By Alma Soongi Beck, J.D., LL.M. Taxation, Certified Specialist, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law, State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization Once again, June 26 has become a…

    Protecting Education as the Great Equalizer

    Protecting Education as the Great Equalizer

    Earlier this month in Oakland, an obscure organization met to decide if California’s community and two-year colleges meet education standards. The process sounds simple, but the Accrediting Commission on Community…