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    LGBT Aging Policy Task Force Update: A Call to Action

    Dr. Marcy Adelman The LGBT Aging Policy Task Force final report is a call to action with feasible and well-studied recommendations to improve the lives of LGBT older adults and…

    Aging in Community: Using Technology to Combat Isolation

    Aging in Community: Using Technology to Combat Isolation

    When it comes to technology, many older adults find themselves left in the dark. And yet technology can help combat one of the biggest challenges facing LGBT older adults: isolation.…

    My San Francisco Village Experience: Finding My Identity Through Connection & Community

    My San Francisco Village Experience:  Finding My Identity Through Connection & Community

    By Ralph Beren, Ed.D. Throughout our lives, we identify ourselves in many different ways. Some are identities that we create through our personal development, such as via professional expertise, parenthood,…

    The Lesbian Health & Research Center at UCSF

    The Lesbian Health & Research Center at UCSF

    Many of you probably know, or can relate to, someone like Vivian. At aged 74, she is a lesbian who recently went to her regular doctor for a medical check-up.…

    Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregiving & Connection: You Are Not Alone on This Journey

    Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregiving & Connection: You Are Not Alone on This Journey

    Consider this scenario: Your partner of 40 years was diagnosed with dementia 5 years ago. You have been caring for her alone all of this time. You feel isolated, stressed…

    Building Connections Is the Key to Healthy Aging

    Building Connections Is the Key to Healthy Aging

    Connection to community is the number-one predictor of health and well-being for older adults. No matter your income level, cultural background, degree of mobility or living arrangement, it is the…

    Challenges and Opportunities

    Challenges and Opportunities

    There are 20,000 LGBT seniors in San Francisco, and that number is expected to double over the next two decades.  This dramatic increase in our senior population will require new…