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    We in the LGBT Community Have Two Kinds of Family

    We in the LGBT Community Have Two Kinds of Family

    Like most people I know, I don’t have a family “tree” per se—it seems like more of a family vine. Lots of grafting, transplanting, dead branches and new shoots. I…

    March Madness

    March Madness

    I love basketball. When I was young, we lived in an older Victorian duplex in Milwaukee. There were no playgrounds or parks with basketball hoops anywhere nearby, so my sister…

    The Final Frontier?

    The Final Frontier?

    In the campaign to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, we often portrayed the military as the toughest culture in which to come out – close bonds with your colleagues, intimate…

    Fighting to Save San Francisco’s Diversity

    Fighting to Save San Francisco’s Diversity

    Happy New Year to everyone! I hope your year has gotten off to a great start and that you haven’t broken too many resolutions so far . . . One…

    The Twelve Days of Christmas

    By Zoe Dunning This holiday season, there certainly is a lot for which I am grateful – it’s been an incredible year. One of my favorite memories will be standing…

    Global, National, State and Local Happenings

    Global, National, State and Local Happenings

    As we enter the holiday season, there is a lot happening at global, national, state and local levels that I want to share with you this month. On the global…

    Dogs in the City

    Dogs in the City

    Instead of Sex in the City, I’d love to start a new series called Dogs in the City – the search for loving companionship in a town that is making…

    One Soldier’s Legacy

    One Soldier’s Legacy

    This past week brought some incredibly sad news – former Army Sergeant Darren Manzella passed away Thursday, August 29, in a tragic roadside accident in upstate New York. He was…

    Call to Service

    Call to Service

    It’s not what you think. I’m not talking military service; I’m talking board service. Have you ever served on a non-profit’s Board of Directors? If not, I’m here to recruit…

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