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    Do Endorsements Matter? Election

    Do Endorsements Matter? Election

    “Endorsed by the San Francisco Democratic Party,” or “Endorsed by the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club.” What does such a statement mean, and does it carry any weight? Why…

    Who Is Not Running for DCCC?

    Who Is Not Running for DCCC?

    The San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee, or DCCC, has become the hottest ticket in town. The most down-ballot of races has suddenly become the most sought-after elected office in…

    My Experience Volunteering for Hillary Clinton at the Nevada Caucus

    My Experience Volunteering for Hillary Clinton at the Nevada Caucus

    As we are all aware, the presidential primary season is well underway. Although California is the most populous state in the union, we have minimal influence in selecting the Democratic…

    LGBT Service Members, Alice News, and a DCCC Loophole that Should Be Fixed

    LGBT Service Members, Alice News, and a DCCC Loophole that Should Be Fixed

    Remembering Air Force Major Adrianna Vorderbruggen Last month I wrote about the military opening up all job fields to women. In that column, published December 17, I commented: “One of…

    An Important Change to a Long-standing Pentagon Policy

    An Important Change to a Long-standing Pentagon Policy

    Happy holidays to you! This is often a time for reflection and sharing. In this column I want to share some good news and reflect on how we can reach…

    Election Consequences, World AIDS Day

    Election Consequences, World AIDS Day

    Election Consequences The fall election is behind us. We have a new Sheriff—Vicki Hennessy won by a landslide, having received 61% of the vote compared to Ross Mirkarimi’s 33%. She…

    Key Races in the November 3 Election

    Key Races in the November 3 Election

    Another fall, another election season. Many of you may have already completed your vote-by-mail ballot and sent it in. If so, thank you for voting! If you have not, I…

    Propositions on the November Ballot Concerning SF Housing

    Propositions on the November Ballot  Concerning SF Housing

    Five years ago, one of the largest issues facing San Francisco was its 9.5% unemployment rate. The economy was still in recession and people were looking for work. The real…

    The Pitfalls of Our Need to Label

    The Pitfalls of Our Need to Label

    “Please just stop your 100% political posts! Most of your classmates…are open minded, but you are so far left and one sided we are mostly tired.” — my college Class…

    Juggling the Gay (LGBTQQI) Agenda

    Juggling the Gay (LGBTQQI) Agenda

    With the recent victory in the Supreme Court for marriage equality, many are taking a moment to assess where we are as a community and where we want to go.…

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