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    Take Heart, Political Junkies: It Gets Better

    Take Heart, Political Junkies: It Gets Better

    By Rafael Mandelman For San Francisco political junkies, 2013 was a bit of a bore: three uncontested citywide races for City Attorney, Treasurer and Assessor, and an essentially uncontested race…

    Global, National, State and Local Happenings

    Global, National, State and Local Happenings

    As we enter the holiday season, there is a lot happening at global, national, state and local levels that I want to share with you this month. On the global…

    8 Washington Reflections and City College Update

    8 Washington Reflections  and City College Update

    The November election is finally done, but the reverberations from the sinking of Propositions B and C are surely just beginning to be felt. Certainly, the boosters for the proposed…

    Staying Sane & In-Shape During the Holidays

    Staying Sane & In-Shape During the Holidays

    Wow, another year has flown by, it’s almost Thanksgiving, and then we’re plunged headlong into the joys, stresses and general craziness of THE HOLIDAYS. While these next 6 weeks will…

    Got HPV? Of Course You Do!

    Got HPV? Of Course You Do!

    I promised I wouldn’t write every column on HPV (human papillomavirus) or anuses, and I won’t, but bear with me (pun intended) for one or two columns in honor of…

    Get Ready to Rumble

    Get Ready to Rumble

    Tenant concerns abound now, and especially in San Francisco. Each week, I hear things like: “My landlord sent me an email telling me that I have thirty days to vacate.”…

    Vote No on Propositions B and C

    Vote No on Propositions B and C

      With just days left before the November 5th election, the battle over Propositions B and C has been raging in mailboxes, editorial pages and cable television ads across the…

    Halloween Safety (and Throughout the Whole Year, Too)

    Halloween Safety (and Throughout the Whole Year, Too)

    As you don your costume for the gay High Holy Day of Halloween, don’t forget to make a plan for your safety. Have a travel plan and go with friends…

    Fighting Bullies and Standing Up for Our Rights

    Fighting Bullies and  Standing Up for Our Rights

    When my partner Phil and I drove to Sacramento in August to sign paperwork declaring my candidacy for State Assembly, we were acutely aware of just how personal politics can…

    The Inner Fitness Frontier

    The Inner Fitness Frontier

    I usually start out my golf seminars asking people a pretty basic question: “What makes your golf ball go?” Even if you’re not a golfer, which I’m guessing most of…