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    Halloween Safety (and Throughout the Whole Year, Too)

    Halloween Safety (and Throughout the Whole Year, Too)

    As you don your costume for the gay High Holy Day of Halloween, don’t forget to make a plan for your safety. Have a travel plan and go with friends…

    Fighting Bullies and Standing Up for Our Rights

    Fighting Bullies and  Standing Up for Our Rights

    When my partner Phil and I drove to Sacramento in August to sign paperwork declaring my candidacy for State Assembly, we were acutely aware of just how personal politics can…

    The Inner Fitness Frontier

    The Inner Fitness Frontier

    I usually start out my golf seminars asking people a pretty basic question: “What makes your golf ball go?” Even if you’re not a golfer, which I’m guessing most of…

    Dogs in the City

    Dogs in the City

    Instead of Sex in the City, I’d love to start a new series called Dogs in the City – the search for loving companionship in a town that is making…

    Our Queer Powerhouses, and the Ellis Act

    Over the years, San Francisco has graced our State Legislature with some extraordinarily effective and prolific legislators, and it should be a point of pride for our LGBT community that…

    Building a More Successful LGBT Business Community

    As Golden Gate Business Association’s recently hired Managing Director, I am humbled to stand on the shoulders of giants. GGBA has played an important role in shaping the conversation around…

    Embracing a Gay Lifestyle With Integrated Body-Mind Fitness

    Embracing a Gay Lifestyle With Integrated Body-Mind Fitness

    (Editor’s Note: In this issue, we welcome new health and fitness columnist Jamie Leno Zimron. A 5th Degree Aikido Black Belt, Zimron is an LPGA pro, somatic psychologist, body-mind trainer…

    Obamacare and Us

    Obamacare and Us

    It has been over three years since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed. It is often called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or more commonly, Obamacare. It…

    One Soldier’s Legacy

    One Soldier’s Legacy

    This past week brought some incredibly sad news – former Army Sergeant Darren Manzella passed away Thursday, August 29, in a tragic roadside accident in upstate New York. He was…

    November Elections, Dennis Herrera and the Fight to Save City College

    November Elections, Dennis Herrera and the Fight to Save City College

    The November elections are fast approaching, and with all four local office holders—City Attorney Dennis Herrera, Treasurer Jose Cisneros, Assessor-Recorder Carmen Chu and District 4 Supervisor Katy Tang— running essentially…