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    Heterosexism in the Sports World

    Heterosexism in the Sports World

    April and springtime of 2014 are already here. Has your Inner Athlete come out yet?! We’ve all got bodies, as well as minds, that need to be exercised and that…

    Turning 2014 Resolutions Into Reality

    Turning 2014 Resolutions Into Reality

    One of the nicest things about New Year’s is the sense of freshness and possibility, a clean slate, and renewed hope to accomplish our dreams. Coming through the Season of Lights…

    Staying Sane & In-Shape During the Holidays

    Staying Sane & In-Shape During the Holidays

    Wow, another year has flown by, it’s almost Thanksgiving, and then we’re plunged headlong into the joys, stresses and general craziness of THE HOLIDAYS. While these next 6 weeks will…

    The Inner Fitness Frontier

    The Inner Fitness Frontier

    I usually start out my golf seminars asking people a pretty basic question: “What makes your golf ball go?” Even if you’re not a golfer, which I’m guessing most of…

    Embracing a Gay Lifestyle With Integrated Body-Mind Fitness

    Embracing a Gay Lifestyle With Integrated Body-Mind Fitness

    (Editor’s Note: In this issue, we welcome new health and fitness columnist Jamie Leno Zimron. A 5th Degree Aikido Black Belt, Zimron is an LPGA pro, somatic psychologist, body-mind trainer…

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