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    Ann Rostow: The New Black

    By Ann Rostow Swirling through the debate over marriage and gay rights in general is a deeper American colloquy. Is opposition to gay equality a matter of opinion to be respected?…

    Ann Rostow: The Litigious Month of April

    By Ann Rostow It’s April, which means that oral arguments on marriage are around the corner at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. It also means that…

    Ann Rostow: Oh Oh Oh… It’s Madness!

    By Ann Rostow Don’t tell my editors, please, but I’m way behind on my column because I had to fill out my billion-dollar March Madness bracket. All these decisions to…

    Christian Agonistes

    By Ann Rostow Last week, as you no doubt witnessed, Arizona governor Jan Brewer vetoed the law that would have allowed business owners to refuse gay clients based on religious…

    My First and Last Love Letter

    My First and Last Love Letter

    Dear My One and Only Stu Smith, I wanted to send you a letter of love, gratitude and praise. I have never loved another human being as much as I…

    When It Rains, It Pours

    By Ann Rostow Back in the day, before beluga caviar soared to a couple hundred dollars an ounce, I used to indulge. My father always bought me caviar for breakfast…

    Fortnight in Review

    By Ann Rostow Pussy Non Grata I read somewhere that a woman in one of those homophobic African countries had tossed her cat into the streets, evicting him from her…

    My Fight Against the Ellis Act to Save My Home

    My Fight Against the Ellis Act to Save My Home

    By Jeremy Mykaels My story basically is that I’ve been living in a Castro rent-controlled apartment for almost 19 years. In 2001, I was diagnosed with full-blown AIDS and became…

    The Castro Is Going Straight

    The Castro Is Going Straight

    By Tommi Avicolli Mecca Mark my words: In 10 years, the Castro will be predominantly straight. The culprit is greed. It’s mainly the greed of speculators and investors who are…

    My Family Is Struggling to Stay in the Mission

    By Rose Diaz The Mission has been my home for 17 years, but my family and I are now struggling to stay here. We currently occupy a two-unit property plus…