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    2013 News Quiz

    By Ann Rostow It’s time again for our annual year-in-review news quiz! Unfortunately, that means I can’t comment on the exciting developments in Utah. However, you already know all the…

    Time to Say Thanks and to Keep the Momentum Going

    Time to Say Thanks and to Keep the Momentum Going

    By Roger Doughty What a year! By almost any measure, this has been one extraordinary year in LGBT people’s long quest for equality, freedom, and dignity. Sixteen states and the…

    A More Equal 2014

    I always take stock of what I’m grateful for around the holidays. After having completed my first year as a member of the state legislature, the list of things for which…

    Fortnight in Review

    By Ann Rostow She Went To the Liquor Store! Is it my imagination, or have the holidays snuck up on us really fast this year? Halloween was just a week…

    Fortnight in Review

    By Ann Rostow Corporations…Corporations Who Love Corporations Hello dear readers. The holiday GLBT news lull continues on its meandering drift towards Twelfth Night, and yet we are not completely becalmed.…

    Avoid Post-Holiday Emptiness by Filling Your Spirit, Not Just Your Shopping Bag

    By The Rev. Jude Harmon The holidays are a time of great merrymaking, of giving and receiving wonderful gifts, throwing fabulous parties, and reconnecting with old family and friends, but…

    Fortnight in Review

    Sister Sold Ya Where would you place Liz Cheney on your list of “Reviled Public Figures?” I suppose if you exclude overtly racist politicians and dead people, I’d have to…

    Fortnight in Review

    Illinois, We Hardly Knew Ya As our last issue went to press, the Illinois House passed the long stalled marriage equality bill with one vote to spare, upending the conventional…

    EDNA – It’s Time

    EDNA – It’s Time

    According to the annual Harris poll on workplace culture, commissioned by Out & Equal Workplace Advocates every year since 2002, a whopping 76% of American adults believe that under federal…

    35 Years

    35 Years

      The first issue of the San Francisco Bay Times, published on May 1, 1978, proudly proclaims that it is “a Newspaper by Lesbians & Gay Men.” This was a…