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    Christian Agonistes

    By Ann Rostow Last week, as you no doubt witnessed, Arizona governor Jan Brewer vetoed the law that would have allowed business owners to refuse gay clients based on religious…

    When It Rains, It Pours

    By Ann Rostow Back in the day, before beluga caviar soared to a couple hundred dollars an ounce, I used to indulge. My father always bought me caviar for breakfast…

    Fortnight in Review

    By Ann Rostow Pussy Non Grata I read somewhere that a woman in one of those homophobic African countries had tossed her cat into the streets, evicting him from her…

    Ninth Circuit Orders Heightened Scrutiny For Sexual Orientation Bias

    By Ann Rostow Our legal fight for marriage equality has exploded into dozens of state and federal cases, far too many for even the most organized GLBT reporter to track.…

    2013 News Quiz

    By Ann Rostow It’s time again for our annual year-in-review news quiz! Unfortunately, that means I can’t comment on the exciting developments in Utah. However, you already know all the…

    Fortnight in Review

    By Ann Rostow She Went To the Liquor Store! Is it my imagination, or have the holidays snuck up on us really fast this year? Halloween was just a week…

    Fortnight in Review

    By Ann Rostow Corporations…Corporations Who Love Corporations Hello dear readers. The holiday GLBT news lull continues on its meandering drift towards Twelfth Night, and yet we are not completely becalmed.…

    Fortnight in Review

    Sister Sold Ya Where would you place Liz Cheney on your list of “Reviled Public Figures?” I suppose if you exclude overtly racist politicians and dead people, I’d have to…

    Fortnight in Review

    Illinois, We Hardly Knew Ya As our last issue went to press, the Illinois House passed the long stalled marriage equality bill with one vote to spare, upending the conventional…

    Fortnight in Review

    Fourteen and Counting Yay! Another free state has joined the growing list of places where American gays can tie the knot. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie basically had no choice…