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    Cover Photo by Hali McGrath – “Lez Jazz Hot,” our headline for this issue of the Bay Times, was inspired by the song “Le Jazz Hot” from the 1982 film…

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    Compiled by Dennis McMillan Denver, CO – Supreme Court Puts Utah Equality on Hold – 1.6 The Supreme Court has put same-sex marriages on hold in Utah, at least while…

    The First Castro Street Fairs – Bay Times Photographer Rink Was There

    The First Castro Street Fairs – Bay Times Photographer Rink Was There

    1974 was a seminal year in our community’s history. Harvey Milk, then dubbed “The Mayor of Castro Street,” helped to found the Castro Village Association to support LGBT businesses. As…

    Where We Are Spending Our Time and Money

    A few months ago, we invited you to participate in the 2013 LGBT Community Survey report created by Community Market & Insights (CMI). Thanks to all Bay Times readers who…

    National and Local News Map

    Falls Church, VA – Openly Gay Olympic Skater Urges No Olympic Boycott – 8.1 Two-time Olympic figure skating competitor, openly gay Johnny Weir, urged in his weekly column that there…

    Top Bay Area LGBT Concerns

    Top Bay Area LGBT Concerns

    Editor’s Note: With Prop 8 thankfully behind us, many have wondered about the future of our community’s efforts, in terms of what should next garner our attention and support. We…

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    Meridian, MS – Satanists Turn Founder of Westboro Baptist Church’s Dead Mom Gay – 7.1 The Satanic Temple, a burgeoning community of worship devoted to the Dark Lord, has performed…

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