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    Last Sunday, our family had a wonderful dinner in the East Bay to celebrate Stuart’s mom’s 92nd birthday. On the way home from dinner, the three of us went to…

    Bearing Witness

    Bearing Witness

    Ryan Kendall was a star witness for marriage equality and against so-called “conversion therapy” when he took the stand in the Proposition 8 trial in San Francisco federal court six…

    LGBT Rights and Abortion Rights Are Inseparable

    LGBT Rights and Abortion Rights Are Inseparable

    Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard one of the most important abortion rights cases in decades, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt. At first blush, some LGBT folks might think…

    A Clear Choice for LGBT People in November

    A Clear Choice for LGBT People in November

    The sudden passing away of the notoriously anti-gay Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has thrust the issue of the Supreme Court into the heart of the 2016 Presidential campaign. We…

    Justice for Gavin Grimm

    Gavin Grimm, a 16-year-old high school junior from Gloucester, Virginia, simply wants to be able to use his school’s restrooms as all his classmates can. But like LGBT couples who…

    Exciting Developments for LGBT Rights and Marriage Equality in Taiwan

    Exciting Developments for LGBT Rights and Marriage Equality in Taiwan

    6/26 and Beyond John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney, Marriage Equality USA On January 16, 2016, Tsai Ingwen made history when she was elected Taiwan’s first female president. Tsai’s election not…

    6/26 And Beyond

    6/26 And Beyond

    As the new year commences, we initiate a new name for our column: 6/26 and Beyond. You might ask: What’s 6/26? It’s June 26–not only the date of the founding…

    Inspiration from Nonagenarians and Students from SF’s School of the Arts

    Inspiration from Nonagenarians and Students from SF’s School of the Arts

    For readers unfamiliar with the word—don’t worry—nonagenarians are not the latest addition to the wonderful and ever expanding alphabet soup that is the LGBTIQ movement. Nonagenarians are people in their…

    Dispatch from Bratislava

    Dispatch from Bratislava

    When our 18-year-old niece told us she would be spending a gap year between high school and college in the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, we must confess that we had…

    Family Values

    Family Values

    When I called my uncle on June 26 to tell him that the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in favor of marriage equality, I could tell from across the country…