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    From San Francisco City Hall to the U.S. Supreme Court

    From San Francisco City Hall to the U.S. Supreme Court

    The atmosphere was electric and the excitement and anticipation palpable, as over a thousand LGBT people from all across the country gathered in Washington, DC, on Tuesday for the historic…

    The Time for Equality Is Now

    The Time for Equality Is Now

    Nineteen years ago, the United States Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans struck down Colorado’s notorious Amendment 2, a state constitutional provision that revoked all local ordinances prohibiting discrimination based…

    Stopping New Anti-LGBT Laws in Their Tracks

    Stopping New Anti-LGBT Laws in Their Tracks

    As the momentum builds toward a United States Supreme Court decision in favor of nationwide marriage equality, the LGBT community in recent weeks has faced an onslaught of proposed or newly enacted state laws aimed at…

    Making the Case for Equality at the Supreme Court

    Making the Case for Equality at the Supreme Court

    Over the last few weeks, our community and allies have made an irrefutable case to the United States Supreme Court for the freedom to marry nationwide and full equality under…

    Love Together

    Love Together

    I grew up two doors down from the local library. As a kid, I went there countless times. When I was in about the 6th grade or so, I started…

    Standing Up for Marriage Equality in Alabama

    Standing Up for Marriage Equality in Alabama

    Last week’s shocking public letter from Roy Moore, Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, urging Alabama Governor Robert Bentley to ignore a federal court ruling and continue to exclude…

    The Supreme Court and the Power of Windsor

    The Supreme Court and the Power of Windsor

    With the Supreme Court’s announcing it will review marriage discrimination laws in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, we look to the Court to apply United States v. Windsor, its powerful…

    To Be a Fly on the Wall

    To Be a Fly on the Wall

    On Friday, January 9, the United States Supreme Court will discuss whether to review one or more of the five marriage equality cases now before it. We’d love to be…

    Empathy and Kindness

    Empathy and Kindness

    Even when my 89-year-old dad could barely walk and had compromised memory, he would survey his elder community’s dining hall at meal time to see if anyone was sitting alone,…

    The Past Is Never Dead

    The Past Is Never Dead

    Federal Judge Carlton W. Reeves in his eloquent opinion striking down Mississippi’s marriage equality ban noted William Faulkner’s famous observation: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” Judge…