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    A British Subject in San Francisco on the Passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II

    A British Subject in San Francisco on the Passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II

    By Liam P. Mayclem– The date Thursday, September 8, 2022, shall forever be in my memory. I was on a plane heading from SFO to Denver when the news landed…

    Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II

    By Donna Sachet– (Editor’s Note: The following tribute was placed by Donna Sachet, along with an image of Queen Elizabeth II flanked by elegant floral bouquets, at 18th and Castro…

    Why I Dressed as Queen Elizabeth II for the San Francisco Pride Parade Bay Times Contingent

    By Irene Hendrick– I dressed as Queen Elizabeth II at the San Francisco Pride Parade in the San Francisco Bay Times contingent for several years because I wanted to bring…

    A Bit of This and That

    A Bit of This and That

    By Joanie Juster– I’m keeping my eye on a lot of issues these days—the upcoming midterm elections, book bannings, the ongoing efforts of a certain political party to simply erase…

    Dear Pride Karen: Your Racism Won’t Win Here

    Dear Pride Karen: Your Racism Won’t Win Here

    By Carolyn Wysinger– Happy September! We are about 6 weeks away from Election Day 2022 (November 8), and as many of you know, I am currently running for office! But…

    Boosting College Savings Rates

    Boosting College Savings Rates

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– September is College Savings Month! To celebrate, ScholarShare529, a state-sponsored college savings plan, is offering a $100 bonus when you open an account by the end…

    Proposition 1: Not Gambling with Women’s Reproductive Rights

    Proposition 1: Not Gambling with Women’s Reproductive Rights

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– On June 24, 2022, Californians woke up to a world that many of us had never known. Earlier that day, the U.S. Supreme…

    In Memoriam: Ann Biderman, Former President of the Rossmoor Lesbian Social Club

    By Kit Kennedy– Ann F, Biderman, 67, a Rossmoor resident, passed away in Dallas, Texas, on July 2, 2022.   Ann had flair and a zest for life. As President of the…

    In Memoriam: Bradley “Scott” Levine, Former President of GGBA and the Rainbow Business Association

    Bradley Scott Levine, a Bay Area-based attorney and LGBTQ community leader, died on July 20, 2022. Born in 1958, Scott grew up in New York State and was the son…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “What a few weeks it has been…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “What a few weeks it has been…”

    By Donna Sachet– What a few weeks it has been! And through it all, we’ve been reminded that this marvelous City continues to give us extraordinary opportunities. As reported in…