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    LGBTQ Activists to Reunite for San Francisco Bay Times 40th Anniversary Panel

    1970s San Francisco LGBTQ activism will be brought back to vivid life on September 28 during the first ever reunion of founding members of the San Francisco Bay Times, which…

    Breaking California’s Lieutenant Governor Glass Ceiling

    Breaking California’s Lieutenant Governor Glass Ceiling

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– It’s been almost 2 years since the 2016 presidential election, and some of us are still sitting shivah (mourning) over the defeat of Hillary Clinton (we…

    The Historic Indian Supreme Court Ruling: Embracing ‘Infinite Shades of Love and Longing’

    The Historic Indian Supreme Court Ruling: Embracing ‘Infinite Shades of Love and Longing’

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– On September 6, 2018, India, the world’s largest democracy, finally shed the British colonial-era law that for over a century and a half has…

    Think Your Financial Decisions Are Rational? Perhaps Not

    Think Your Financial Decisions Are Rational? Perhaps Not

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– You probably think that your financial decisions—to save or spend, buy or sell—are based on taking in all of the information at hand and selecting the…

    Sedans Improve as Their Market Declines

    Sedans Improve as Their Market Declines

    By Philip Ruth– Goodbye, sedans. You’ve had a good run, but time marches on. That’s what Ford has said, and it’s not an idle threat: production plans for non-crossovers except…

    Cris Williamson and Judy Dlugacz Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

    Cris Williamson and Judy Dlugacz Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

    Olivia Records pioneers Judy Dlugacz and Cris Williamson received the Jack Emerson Lifetime Achievement Award for Executive [Achievement] from the Americana Music Association during the American Honors and Awards ceremony…

    Free Repairs for Low-income Home Owners: An Interview with Rebuilding Together SF’s Karen Nemsick

    Free Repairs for Low-income Home Owners: An Interview with Rebuilding Together SF’s Karen Nemsick

    By Dr. Marcy Adelman– If you are a low-income resident in San Francisco and need to make safety upgrades to your rental unit, or repairs and safety fixes to your…

    Altruism: A Tool of the Resistance

    Altruism: A Tool of the Resistance

    By Tom Moon, MFT– Like many readers of this column, I’ve been struggling with the question of how best to live my life in the time of the monstrous Trump…

    Lesbian Desire, Second Wave Feminism and In Search of Pure Lust

    Lesbian Desire, Second Wave Feminism and In Search of Pure Lust

    By Michele Karlsberg– Michele Karlsberg: Lise Weil’s memoir In Search of Pure Lust is featured in this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times. I asked Weil to discuss how second wave feminist…

    The Power of One & Once

    The Power of One & Once

    By Jamie Leno Zimron– It’s really true: A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Also true: Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you’ll…