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    Plan for Financial Freedom – Even If You’re Not Rich

    Plan for Financial Freedom – Even If You’re Not Rich

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– Since Independence Day was earlier this month, let’s focus on a freedom you probably want to achieve—your financial independence. You know, that time of your life…

    Luxury Defined by Look and Feel

    Luxury Defined by Look and Feel

    By Philip Ruth– How fancy do you like to get? We are all regularly confronted with that question in our capitalist society. It’s tempting to define an identity with the…

    Think About Building Communities and Neighborhoods, Not Just Housing

    Think About Building Communities and Neighborhoods, Not Just Housing

    By Dr. Marcy Adelman– After many years of neglect, San Francisco appears to finally be on the path to a successful response to the city’s homeless situation and the affordable…

    How Should We Pursue Happiness?

    How Should We Pursue Happiness?

    By Tom Moon, MFT– The idea that every person has an inherent right to pursue happiness is one of the founding principles of our country, but is happiness really something…

    Pastor Stacy Boorn of herchurch Shares Her Art and Creative Wisdom

    Pastor Stacy Boorn of herchurch Shares Her Art and Creative Wisdom

    By Kit Kennedy– For this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times I spoke with Stacy Boorn, who is a creative visionary, ordained Lutheran pastor, leader of herchurch, photographer, painter,…

    Timely Documentary by Trans Filmmaker Examines Campaign Finance Reform

    Timely Documentary by Trans Filmmaker Examines Campaign Finance Reform

    By Gary M. Kramer– Don’t want to see a documentary about campaign finance reform? You’ll be sorry. Dark Money, opening July 27 at the Shattuck Landmark cinema, is trans filmmaker…

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Memoir

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Memoir

    By Michele Karlsberg– Michele Karlsberg: Eric Poole’s new memoir Excuse Me While I Slip into Someone More Comfortable is featured in this issue. I asked Eric to talk about the…

    Gay Games 10: A World Celebration of Diversity

    Gay Games 10: A World Celebration of Diversity

    Since 1982, the Gay Games have brought together people from all walks of life, without discrimination, around the values of diversity, respect, equality, solidarity and sharing. With sport being a…

    In the News: 7.12.2018

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan London Breed Sworn in as Mayor of San Francisco During Historic Inaugural On Wednesday, July 11, London Breed made history, becoming San Francisco’s first African-American female…

    Ann Rostow: The End of an Era

    Ann Rostow: The End of an Era

    By Ann Rostow– The End of an Era I just read over a dozen press releases from over a dozen civil rights groups bemoaning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to…