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    A Lesson in Humanism from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

    A Lesson in Humanism from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

    By Michele Karlsberg Michele Karlsberg: For this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times, I present a guest article written by  author and television producer Stefani Deoul. “For the oppression…

    The Space Between Breaths

    The Space Between Breaths

    By Jamie Leno Zimron– Have you ever noticed that life is really one big breath? The first thing that happens when we’re born is an inhale, and our last act…

    In Memoriam: Mayor Edwin Mah Lee (1952–2017)

    In Memoriam: Mayor Edwin Mah Lee (1952–2017)

    Louise (Lou) Fischer and Eric Lukoff, Co-Chairs of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club: We were deeply saddened by Mayor Edwin Lee’s passing. We extend our deepest condolences to…

    In the News: 12.7.2017

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan U.S. Supreme Court Begins to Undermine Marriage Equality The U.S. Supreme Court has begun undermining marriage equality, just two years after it became the law of the land. In deciding not to take…

    Ann Rostow: Are We Going Down?

    Ann Rostow: Are We Going Down?

    By Ann Rostow– Are We Going Down?– Friends, I’m feeling a little sick to my stomach right now. I’ve rewritten the start of this column a few times because I…

    International Activist Hiker Chiu Helps to Lead the Way on Intersex Social Justice

    International Activist Hiker Chiu Helps to Lead the Way on Intersex Social Justice

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– When Taiwanese and international intersex activist Hiker Chiu as a teenager saw their childhood medical records for the first time, one question kept resounding…

    Wrapping Up the Year with Real LGBT Sexual Liberation

    Wrapping Up the Year with Real LGBT Sexual Liberation

    By Andrea Shorter– Tis’ the season for year-end wrap ups of the news highlights before we ring in the New Year. There will be the usual array of most spectacular…

    LGBT History Is Worth Noting

    LGBT History Is Worth Noting

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– When California students learn about civil rights, in addition to studying Martin Luther King, Jr.,’s “I Have a Dream” speech and discussing Cesar Chavez’s championing of…

    Fighting to Keep Oakland a Sanctuary City

    Fighting to Keep Oakland a Sanctuary City

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– In August 2017, the Oakland Police Department knowingly assisted with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid in West Oakland. OPD’s participation contradicts…

    Rapport and Connection Are the Keys to Work Success and Satisfaction

    Rapport and Connection Are the Keys to Work Success and Satisfaction

    By Julie Gleeson– I recently interviewed a wonderful career counselor who was hired to help a start-up company retain employees. As we spoke about the issues, it became clear that…