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    Rainbows Appeared in the Night Sky Over the Castro During Pride Weekend

    Rainbows Appeared in the Night Sky Over the Castro During Pride Weekend

    Beautiful, brightly hued rainbows flowed over the Castro on the night of Saturday, June 24, ahead of the Pride Parade the next day. The wizards behind the sky show were…

    A Victory for Love 120 Years in the Making

    A Victory for Love 120 Years in the Making

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis When Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld and other gay rights pioneers founded the first LGBT rights advocacy organization in the world in Berlin, Germany, in 1897,…

    Help Me Find a Career

    Help Me Find a Career

    By Julie Gleeson When a client recently burst into tears about her new career, I was utterly charmed. This amazingly talented client had an impressive artistic resume, yet the pain…

    Openhouse Co-Founder Dr. Marcy Adelman Continues Groundbreaking Work on LGBT Senior Issues

    Openhouse Co-Founder Dr. Marcy Adelman Continues Groundbreaking Work on LGBT Senior Issues

    Dr. Marcy Adelman’s term on the board of Openhouse recently expired, but she has stated that she will continue to serve as an advisor to the incredibly successful organization that…

    Finding Financial Stability After a Divorce

    Finding Financial Stability After a Divorce

    By Brandon Miller, CFP Managing finances following a divorce can be emotional and overwhelming. Even the best-laid financial plans may seem complicated as you adjust to your new situation and…

    Two Choices in Automotive Identity

    By Philip Ruth Creation of a distinct identity usually happens over time. Splashy reinventions can be attention getting, but those abruptly altered images can wither as quickly as they are…

    Trans Elders Count

    Trans Elders Count

    By Dr. Marcy Adelman Do not let the Trump administration erase transgender elders from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) survey that determines how federal funding is spent…

    Sarah Lucas: Good Muse

    Sarah Lucas: Good Muse

    July 15–September 17 at the Legion of Honor “A muse isn’t necessarily a particular person, the model. It can also be an outlook on life (musing). Art and life are…

    Standing in Love

    Standing in Love

    By Tom Moon, MFT “In this world there are only two tragedies; one is not getting what one wants, the other is getting it.” This line from Oscar Wilde reminds…

    Queer Drama In Between Is a San Francisco Jewish Film Festival Highlight

    Queer Drama In Between Is a San Francisco Jewish Film Festival Highlight

    By Gary M. Kramer This year’s San Francisco Jewish Film Festival (July 20–August 6) features a handful of films by and about LGBT people. Three queer documentaries screening at the…