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    Ann Rostow: Please Keep Mitt!

    By Ann Rostow Please Keep Mitt! My vigilant cousin provided us with our word of the week: “kakistocracy,” a government run by the least qualified. Yes, I know. You ran…

    Thousands March in Bay Area Anti-Trump Demonstrations, Prepare for January 21 Women’s March on Washington

    Thousands March in Bay Area Anti-Trump Demonstrations, Prepare for January 21 Women’s March on Washington

    By Dennis McMillan Organizing is already underway for the January 21 Women’s March on Washington, when women will stand together in solidarity with their partners and children for the protection…

    SF Library News, Wiener to the Senate, D8 Supervisor Speculation, and Presidential Election Challenges

    SF Library News, Wiener to the Senate, D8 Supervisor Speculation, and Presidential Election Challenges

    By Zoe Dunning New Amnesty Program for SF Library Users If you are one of 155,000 library patrons with overdue items from the San Francisco Library, I have good news…

    The Very Worst Election

    The Very Worst Election

    By Rafael Mandelman Seeing as this is my first column since the election—certainly the very worst election of my lifetime—I feel compelled to acknowledge what we must all be feeling: this…

    Inconvenient Truth

    Inconvenient Truth

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney No aspect of the 2016 election was more unsettling for us than being forced to confront one of life’s most discomforting but universal truths:…

    World AIDS Day: Books, Health and History

    World AIDS Day: Books, Health and History

    By Michele Karlsberg In the insightful and inspirational memoir, The Sea Is Quiet Tonight, Michael Ward returns to the early years of the AIDS epidemic, when so little was known and…

    Curated: Danny Lyon, Message to the Future

    Curated: Danny Lyon, Message to the Future

    The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco are thrilled to present Danny Lyon: Message to the Future, at the de Young. The exhibition, which enjoyed a critically acclaimed debut at…

    Maitri Announces New Executive Director, Michael Sorensen

    Maitri Announces New Executive Director, Michael Sorensen

    Maitri Compassionate Care has announced the appointment of Michael Sorensen as its new executive director. He replaces Michael Smithwick, who announced his retirement on August 5, 2016, which led to…

    Happy Holidays from Castro Merchants!

    By Daniel Bergerac Businesses in the Castro and Upper Market neighborhoods are ready for another bright, busy and exciting holiday season with great shopping, drinking and dining opportunities. To get…

    Erma’s Story

    Erma’s Story

      “Maitri saved my life twice. And both times they helped me get healthy and return home to my family.” Erma first arrived at Maitri in 2006, very sick with…