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    Primary Reflections, City College Graduation and Accreditation Update

    Primary Reflections, City College Graduation and Accreditation Update

    Anyone who might have been hoping that the June primary would bring an early resolution to the Assembly contest between David Campos and David Chiu has by now come to…

    National News Briefs

    Compiled and with commentary by Dennis McMillan Fort Wayne, IN – Delegates to Indiana GOP Party Convention Overwhelmingly Approve Platform Opposing Same-sex Marriage – 6.7 The Indiana GOP voted at…

    Local News Briefs

    HealthRIGHT 360 and Lyon-Martin Health Services Welcome New Partnership HealthRIGHT 360 recently announced that a proposed merger with Lyon-Martin Health Services is moving forward, following unanimous votes by the boards…

    Fortnight in Review

    Hello dear Readers, and Happy Pride Month! I’m actually thinking that I might have done my duty after several decades of loyal Pride atten­dance. Here in Austin, we don’t even…

    Taking Alzheimer’s/Dementia Out of the Closet

    Taking Alzheimer’s/Dementia Out of the Closet

    Most of us know someone who has Al­zheimer’s disease or some other type of dementia (Alzheimer’s/dementia). The individual could be a beloved life partner, a family member, a friend or…

    Landing Your Dream Job…In Retirement

    Landing Your Dream Job…In Retirement

    Many retirees choose to work in re­tirement. Americans in general have a strong work ethic, so a life of ex­tended leisure doesn’t appeal to ev­eryone. And with the average U.S.…

    Continuing Harvey’s Fight to Change the System

    Continuing Harvey’s Fight to Change the System

    Last week, I joined San Francisco’s LGBT community in commemorat­ing the 84th birthday of Harvey Milk. With the unveiling of the United States Postal Service’s Harvey Milk stamp, it is…

    You Can Play!

    You Can Play!

    OK, kids, it’s almost summertime. Days are sunny and warm so, for most of you, there are no excuses to be inside or on the couch in­stead of up, out…

    Black Coalition on AIDS Announces Name Change, New Structure and New Programs

    Black Coalition on AIDS Announces Name Change, New Structure and New Programs

    By Perry Lang I believe there are two critical ques­tions facing small ethnic and LGBT nonprofit organizations today: How do we remain relevant and how do we combat charity fatigue?…

    One of the World’s Most Powerful RNs Pens Lesbian Love Story

    One of the World’s Most Powerful RNs Pens Lesbian Love Story

    What do nursing, mathematics, 18th century lesbian lovers, and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell have in common? The answer is Anna Curren, whom I wish to in­troduce to…