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    Lit Snax: 3.23.23

    Hijab Butch Blues: A Memoir by Lamya H Not a run of the mill coming out story, Hijab Butch Blues is a complex and beautiful story about growing up Muslim,…

    Poesia 15th Anniversary Celebration

    Poesia 15th Anniversary Celebration

    Poesia in the Castro (4072 18th Street) on Monday, March 13, celebrated its 15th Anniversary with a Fellini-inspired party that was the vision of the restaurant’s founder, Francesco D’ippolito. He…

    Take Me Home with You: Messi

    “My name is Messi! I am a three-year-old, male, German Shepherd looking for my forever family! Although I can be wary of the spotlight, I prefer to strut my stuff…

    The 29th, 30th, 31st, and 32nd Royal Houses

    The 29th, 30th, 31st, and 32nd Royal Houses

    By Kippy Marks– When a candidate campaigns to become a Grand Duke or Grand Duchess, there is always a representation of colors that allows voters to know whom they are…

    Holly Near Receives Inaugural ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ from the Freight & Salvage

    Holly Near Receives Inaugural ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ from the Freight & Salvage

    At the International Women’s Day Celebration of Holly Near on March 8, 2023, Near received the inaugural Freight & Salvage Lifetime Achievement Award. The venerable Freight, which was founded in…

    Ann Rostow: How Do We Fight This?

    Ann Rostow: How Do We Fight This?

    By Ann Rostow– How Do We Fight This? Much has been made of the rapid rise of gay and lesbian rights over the last three decades, and rightly so. Back…

    Required Reading

    Required Reading

    By Joanie Juster– I’ve been writing A LOT lately about the hateful and dangerous nincompoopery that has taken over so many state legislatures. Trying to keep up with all the…

    The Rotary Club of SF Honors Public Safety Heroes and Welcomes LGBTQ Community Members

    The Rotary Club of SF Honors Public Safety Heroes and Welcomes LGBTQ Community Members

    By Daniel Joraanstad– (Editor’s Note: On February 27, the Rotary Club of San Francisco held its annual Emergency Services Day to honor outstanding representatives of the departments that we depend…

    Higher Pay Aims to Diversify Juries

    Higher Pay Aims to Diversify Juries

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– While California requires employers to provide time off for jury duty, they are not required to pay their workers while they serve on a jury. If…

    Expanding the Vision: Cricket at the Oakland Alameda County Coliseum

    Expanding the Vision: Cricket at the Oakland Alameda County Coliseum

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– As the City of Oakland Councilmember At-Large who also serves on the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority (OACCA) Board, I with pleasure share our…