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    COVID-19, Creativity, and Co-Authors

    By Michele Karlsberg–

    Michele Karlsberg: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an abrupt change in routines and livelihoods all around the world. Engaging in creative acts can be an adaptive response to a changing environment. Author Carolyn Angiolillo had a lifelong dream to bring her stories to a wider audience. Now with all the time in the world, she made that dream come true. I discussed her experience writing A Brooklyn Saga: Stories from the Stoop with co-author Ronald Joseph Kule and how the pandemic gave a boost to her creativity.

    Michele Karlsberg: Tell me about your experience working with a co-author and what that writing process was like.

    Carolyn Angiolillo: I knew I was a good writer at my workplace—grants, program proposals, etc., but this writing project would be totally different. I indeed wanted to do this. I then thought to myself, I would love to bring in a writing partner. So, I started to inquire, “How do I go about writing a book? What is the process? Who can help me?” Perhaps a co-author. 

    I utilized LinkedIn and outlined my need for help in writing my semi-autobiographical novel about growing up in the Italian section of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. After reviewing all submissions, I chose Ronald Joseph Kule, author of the best-selling book about one of America’s favorites: Chef Tell! As Ron and I spoke in depth about the project and about how I wanted to present the story, it became apparent that we were indeed a good writing team.

    As we worked together, my creativity blossomed every day. I became transfixed within the story, experiencing an almost transcendental state of mind. All of my memories flooded to the surface. I was immersed in my story and smiled with every line I wrote. Ron’s input, feedback about the storyline and plot twists was coming together quite nicely. The more we worked on the editing process, I found the book strengthening page by page.  

    It took my creative mind to a different level. During the process of publishing our novel, I became more centered than I had ever been. I was also more appreciative of the people whom I have met along the way. My journey growing up in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and sharing the stories from the stoop has fulfilled a lifelong dream. 

    Michele Karlsberg: How did the pandemic boost your creativity?

    Carolyn Angiolillo: COVID-19 had me on my couch forgoing all of the activities that I had participated in, such as yoga mornings, tai chi lessons, and working out at the gym. I thought to myself, “What am I going to do with my time while in lockdown?” It all made me start to think about the book I always wanted to write. I now had an opportunity to focus more. This respite invited me to become more creative.

    I went back in time and envisioned myself sitting all alone on the stoop, thinking about my life and where it will lead. As I jogged my memory, it all came back: the neighborhood atmosphere, mob mentality, Catholic Church vagaries, and, of course, old-world Italian culture. I always knew those neighborhood stories would have such an impact that I would want to share in the future. 

    I took time to create a timeline of stories the book would feature. I knew I wanted to include aspects of my life that always gave me joy like stoop ball, Ringolevio, and Johnny-on-a-Pony. The book started out by writing about those stoop ball games that my friends and I played almost every day after school.  

    I then realized, after writing this chapter, the reader needed to know more about time and place. I then created an introduction to these stories that included the history of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. As I continued to structure my narrative timeline, it sparked my memory even further. COVID-19 did definitely serve up isolation, and I am happy that I utilized that time in a creative way. 

    “A Brooklyn Saga: Stories from the Stoop” traces the steps of Angie Carpello as she sits on her stoop and navigates her life amongst the Italian mafia, the dichotomies of the Roman Catholic Church, and old-world Italian culture. For more information:

    Michele Karlsberg Marketing and Management specializes in publicity for the LGBTQ+ community. This year, Karlsberg celebrates 32 years of successful marketing campaigns. For more information:

    Published on October 21, 2021