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    Empress Nicole the Great Honors Harvey Milk and George Moscone

    Nicole Murray-Ramirez, who is Empress Nicole the Great, The Queen Mother of the Americas within the Imperial Court System, traveled to San Francisco last month for the November 27 Memorial March & Vigil for Harvey Milk and George Moscone. It was the 40th anniversary of their assassinations.

    It rained that night, so the planned speeches were canceled. We would therefore like to share the words of Empress Nicole the Great. As Donna Sachet told the San Francisco Bay Times, “As Queen Mother of the Americas for the International Court Council, she speaks for a large population and this speech is full of wisdom.”

    November 27, 2018
    San Francisco, California
    40 Years: Remembering San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk & San Francisco Mayor George Moscone

    Comments from Nicole Murray Ramirez

    Good Evening, I bring you greetings from San Diego. The proud city where San Francisco Harvey Milk was stationed when he served in the United States Navy. San Diego is also proud that it is the first city to have named a street after Harvey Milk. Salt Lake City, in the state of Utah, became the second to do so. Portland, Oregon, recently became the third city to also name a street after Harvey Milk.

    I also bring you greetings from the oldest GLBT organization in North America, the International Imperial Court System, with chapters in 70 cities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Founded here in San Francisco, in 1965 by Empress I José Sarria.

    We of The International Imperial Court System are proud that we led the successful national letter writing campaigns, that not only resulted in a Harvey Milk United States postage stamp but also a United States naval ship, the USNS Harvey Milk. Construction of the USNS Harvey Milk will begin in San Diego in July 2019. Yes, next year, and it will proudly be built by card carrying, Union Members.

    I was introduced to Harvey Milk in the early 1970s by Empress José at a Polk Street bar. We also worked together on the state-wide campaign against John Briggs. I also had the honor to work with César Chávez and the grape boycott and will never forget how Harvey stood up for the Mexican and Filipino farm workers. If Harvey were alive today, he would be standing up and speaking out for the thousands of migrants from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Those who are fleeing violence and poverty. Those who are encamped at the Tijuana/San Diego border. Harvey would have spoken out against the tear gassing of women and children this past Sunday at the border.

    Among those migrants are over 100 of our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender sisters and brothers, fleeing discrimination, violence, and hate crimes. Almost all of them fleeing their countries with just the clothes on their backs. The International Imperial Court System chapters are proud that this past weekend we donated $10,000.00 to help feed and clothe our brothers and sisters. Indeed, we are a GLBT Global Community and our love and compassion has NO BORDERS!

    I know today, many of us wonder and dream about how would it be if Harvey Milk were alive today. Well first of all, he would be an old queen like me, but much better looking. Harvey would be wondering how our country came from the first President of the United States who said he would never tell a lie to now a President that can never stop lying. Harvey would want us to stand up and speak out against the growing hate against Jewish, African American, and, Latino communities as well as our Muslim brothers and sisters. To also speak out on behalf of Planned Parenthood and stronger gun control.

    My sisters and brothers, our continuing fight for GLBT equality is indeed the last civil rights movement of the 21st century. Tonight, we have also gathered here to send a message to America, reminding them we are never, ever going back into the closets.

    In closing, I want to say that, indeed, Harvey Milk lives in all of you through your activism. He lives in Cleve Jones, Mark Leno, Rafael Mandelman, Scott Wiener, David Campos, Toni Atkins, Todd Gloria, Anne Kronenberg, Dan Nicoletta, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Tom Ammiano, The Harvey Milk Democratic Club, and many others. He especially lives through his nephew, Stuart Milk, who is bringing his uncle’s message of hope to our GLBT global family and communities. I have been with Stuart in Europe and Latin America and have seen firsthand how just his presence and words give our brothers and sisters hope. I know your uncle is proud of you, Stuart.

    As someone who has been coming up to San Francisco since the 1960s, I want to thank you for giving us Harvey Milk and George Moscone, Del Martin, Phyllis Lyon, Empress 1 José, Tom Waddell, Sylvester, Randy Shilts, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The International Imperial Court System, The start of Gay Men’s Choruses, The founding of the Gay Games, The NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt and so much more.

    And while next year we will rightfully celebrate Stonewall 50 in New York, this old queen and the world know that our GLBT civil rights movement truly and honestly began HERE, in San Francisco.

    Thank you and God Bless you all.


    Harvey Milk Plaza Project Receives Phase 1 Approval

    The Harvey Milk Plaza project, on the afternoon of December 17, received Phase I approval at a hearing of the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Civic Design Review Committee. Speaking passionately in favor of reimagining the site were Cleve Jones, Ken Jones, San Francisco Bay Times columnist and entertainer Donna Sachet, Gary Virginia, Alex Lemberg and others. Daniel
    Bergerac, President of Castro Merchants, read aloud a letter of support from Sister Roma of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

    The Friends of Harvey Milk Plaza were pleased with the result, posting after the hearing: “The commissioners were clearly moved by what they heard. The movement took a huge leap forward today, as the plaza project secured an important approval towards becoming a reality. Thanks to all who continue to follow and support the project. We are celebrating with you! Together, we will #HonorHarveyMilk!”