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    Golden Gate Business Association

    GGBA’s Talented Board, Including New President Audry deLucia

    GGBA’s Board of Directors includes some of the Bay Area’s most successful LGBTQ business owners. This is certainly true of the association’s new President, Audry deLucia. With Fran Herman, deLucia runs ellaprint, a full-service award and commercial printing manufacturer. They make a big impact with a small carbon footprint by using recycled, reusable, sustainable media and materials in their fabrication and daily operations.

    Paul Pendergast is GGBA’s Past President and Chair of Public Policy. For years he has run the namesake Pendergast Consulting Group, which offers strategic communications, project management and creative services.

    San Francisco Bay Times congratulates GGBA Immediate Past President Dawn Ackerman on successfully growing and leading the association during her term. Ackerman is the Co-founder of OutSmart Office Solutions and has over 15 years of experience in helping companies to find smart solutions to start, move and grow.


    GGBA Foundation

    Founded in 2017, the GGBA Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting diversity by funding educational opportunities for the LGBT and allied business community of San Francisco and the Bay Area.

    The mission of the GGBA Foundation is to create scholarships and resources that assist LGBT and allied businesses to achieve sustainable business development, further professional growth and create leadership structures that strengthen their businesses.

    Continued education will support capacity building for LGBT businesses to meet the requirements of corporate supplier diversity programs, increasing opportunities across multiple industries for LGBT businesses to win contracts. In return, our community will be enriched by the economic impact of these companies and the jobs created by their growth.   

    Additionally, these business leaders will be advocates for LGBT business inclusion and economic equality for all diverse communities and will provide mentorship and other resources to empower the next generation of LGBTQA entrepreneurs.


    New Certification! Coming in January 2019

    Effective January 1, 2019, the Office of Small Business and DVBE Services (OSDS) will administer a new type of certification for small businesses for the purpose of Public Works (SB-PW) opportunities. The new form of certification was created by Senate Bill 605 (Chapter 673, Statute of 2017), passed in October 2017.

    This certification type is solely for the purpose of Public Works contracts and/or projects. SB-PW expands the opportunities for small businesses to compete in the public works arena. For the purpose of this certification, public works is defined as in Public Contract Code 1101: An agreement for the erection, construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of any public structure, building, road, or other public improvement of any kind.

    For additional information, including eligibility requirements:


    GGBA Calendar

    GGBA January Make Contact
    January 8, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm
    Room of the Dons at The InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel
    999 California Street, San Francisco
    GGBA Members: Complimentary, Non-Members: $25

    GGBA 5th Annual Power Lunch
    Power Lunch V: Bridges
    Feb 1, 11 am–2 pm
    Power Lunch V – Bridges will celebrate GGBA’s commitment to building bridges across economic, geographic, cultural and inter-community boundaries throughout the last 44 years. As the world’s first LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce, GGBA, through Power Lunch V: Bridges, will showcase several extraordinary people who personify our community’s ability to expand opportunities, build collaborations, strengthen existing relationships and forge new and forward-thinking initiatives that lead to sustainable economic growth for our community and our businesses.
    See website for sponsorship and registration details.

    Golden Gate Business Association February Make Contact
    February 12, 6 pm–8 pm
    GGBA Members: Complimentary, Non-Members: $25
    Location to be announced

    Golden Gate Business Association March Make Contact
    March 12, 6 pm–8 pm
    GGBA Members: Complimentary, Non-Members: $25.00
    Location to be announced

    Western Business Alliance Annual LGBT Economic Summit & Conference
    March 14–16, Los Angeles—Hosted by the LAGLCC
    This year’s conference will focus attention on issues facing our business community and the LGBT community at large, including creating influence, working with the LGBT community, LGBT homelessness and housing, social and corporate responsibility, marketing to millennials, transgender entrepreneurship and freelance opportunities, and access to capital for LGBT businesses. See website for registration details.

    Stand Up Speak Out Series
    GGBA is proud to present “Stand Up. Speak Out!” This workshop series is designed to teach entrepreneurs, business professionals and community leaders to become more confident speakers and more effective communicators.

    Stand Up and Speak Out: The Importance of Storytelling in Business
    January 20, 3:15 pm–4:45 pm
    Stand Up and Speak Out: Managing Up vs Managing Down
    February 6, 7:30 am–8:45 am & February 20, 3:15 pm–4:45 pm
    Stand Up and Speak Out: Do’s & Don’ts of the Media Interview
    March 6, 7:30 am–8:45 am & March 20, 3:15 pm–4:45 pm
    The series is free to all GGBA Members, Partners and their staff. Non-GGBA members can attend two meetings for free as a guest of the GGBA.

    For more information about these and all other GGBA events, please visit

    Membership Has Its Benefits!

    The Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA) is the world’s first LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce, and is now one of 65 around the globe advocating for positive economic, social and political change for LGBTQ businesses to prosper, create jobs and to have economic equality.

    Our mission is to champion opportunity, development and advocacy for our LGBTQ & Allied business community.

    We empower our small business entrepreneurs and professionals by creating opportunities for marketing, networking, procurement and referral-based business growth. We also collaborate with other non-profits and engage with business and civic leaders to support policies that foster a more inclusive and welcoming business community, thus creating greater opportunities for our member businesses.

    If you are an LGBTQ or Allied business person looking for a place to make sincere connections that can lead to greater success and a sense of community, the GGBA is the place for you. We encourage you to visit our next event to see for yourself.  

    See GGBA online ( ) for more details.