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    Sending Love and Help to Maui

    By Joanie Juster–

    Lahaina may be 2,350 miles from San Francisco in travel time, but it is clearly much closer in the hearts of so many here who have deep roots on Maui. When news of the tragic fires became known, an outpouring of love, grief, and memories was unleashed around the Bay Area. Many locals have strong ties to Maui, and Lahaina in particular. Immediately on the heels of shock and grief, the Bay Area did what it does best when disaster strikes: people sprang into action to help.

    The need is overwhelming. Countless people lost everything: homes, businesses, neighbors, pets, loved ones, and whole communities. The Hawaii Community Foundation mobilized immediately, creating the Maui Strong Fund to provide financial resources that can be deployed quickly, focusing on rapid response and recovery for residents. See the links at the end of this piece.

    Aloha Maui Pride supporters Mary Coryell and her wife lost their home and
    two pets in the fire. Read their story:

    As each day passes, we are learning of other on-the-ground efforts that are doing heroic work under the most challenging circumstances. Another organization providing material assistance is the Maui AIDS Foundation, which has posted a wish list for critically-needed supplies:

    The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are also planning Ohana, a fundraiser for Maui AIDS Foundation’s relief efforts, on August 31 at the Lookout. See the ad in this issue and Sister Merry Peter’s article for additional details.

    Here is another link that you can follow to help; every dollar counts.

    Hawaii Community Foundation’s Maui Strong Fund:

    Joanie Juster is a long-time community volunteer, activist, and ally.

    Published on August 24, 2023