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    SF Dykes on Bikes® 45th Anniversary Celebration at Divas & Drinks @ The Academy

    San Francisco Dykes on Bikes® gathered in front of The Academy in the Castro on 8/27/21 to celebrate their 45th Anniversary at the Divas & Drinks event co-hosted by the San Francisco Bay Times & The Academy. DOB President Kate Brown is shown greeting Joanie Juster, who took this video. Look closely and you’ll also see Pink Triangle project founder Patrick Carney getting into position out front on Market Street. Along with Joanie, he helped with photography at the event.

    Also shown is Supervisor Rafael Mandelman introducing San Francisco Fire Chief Jeanine Nicholson during the program that took place in The Academy’s garden. Chief Nicholson later introduced Kate Brown.

    Thanks to all who attended and helped out with the 8/27/21 event!