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    The 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Royal Houses (1981 – 1984)

    By Kippy Marks —

    When a candidate campaigns to become a Grand Duke or Grand Duchess, there is always a representation of colors that allows voters to know who they are voting for. In most cases, candidates will also have a “catchphrase” and a coronation theme for their step-down. Here is a look back at what those were from 1981-1985:


    The 9th Royal House of the Royal Lion and the Foxy Bunny.
    Grand Duchess IX Vinnie (deceased)
    Colors: Green ,Blue, and Punk
    Symbol: Bunny and Fox
    Always saying :Get off my train”
    Grand Duke VIII Roger Palmer (deceased)
    Colors: Blue and White
    Symbol: Crown and Lion
    Always saying “I’m getting toasted. Anyone going to the boot camp?”
    Coronation: “The Russian Family in Exile-Paris in the 20’s


    The 10th Royal House of The Golden Gobbler and the Royal Persian.
    Grand Duchess X Kitty Litter(deceased)
    Colors: Purple and White
    Symbol: Magic Lamp
    Always saying: “Really, I’ve seen you at Febe’s”
    Grand Duke IX Mr. Lee* Ona(deceased)
    Colors: Blue and White
    Symbol: Top Hat

    Always saying: “Drink til you Drop”

    Coronation Theme: Mardi Gras in St. Petersburg”

    Mr. Lee*Ona who was already a well know community figure.  He was an active member of the (GGG) Golden Gate Gaurds, which grew out of the Tavern Guild project to unite the leather and Drag community through the Imperial Court. Although the GGG separated in 1987 and established itself as a independent organization. Much like the Guild, many members would serve in a variety of title roles within the Ducal Court. 1983 would also mark the beginning of the AIDS epidemic in San Francisco and seeing a need within the community Grand Duke Lee and Grand Duchess Kitty Litter held the first fundraiser to benefit  an AIDS charity.


    The 11th Royal House of The Mime and Monarch
    Grand Duchess XI Sable Clown(deceased)
    Colors: unknown
    Symbol: Harliquin
    Grand Duke X Ken Wright(deceased)
    Colors: unknown
    Symbol: Monarch Butterfly
    Coronation Theme: “A White Russian Ball”

    Grand Duchess Sable Clown and Grand Duke Ken Wrights Coronation was touted in the Sentinal magazine/newspaper as the best Coronation they’d ever seen. The stage was designed by Jon Scott and featured a revolving floor that was built into the Kabuki Theater’s stage. Completely unplanned at the last minute,  the floor spun around and revealed the back of the stage to face the audience for crowning, however most of the crowning actually took place in the lobby as management was shocked and rushed attendees out. The writer did have one complaint – that the night went way to Long.

    Due to this, the  Board of Directors  took action and established a time limit for all future Coronations.


    The 12th Royal House of The Mystical Unicorn and The Lavender Lotus.
    Grand Duchess XII Trixie Trash(deceased)
    Colors: Lavender and Gold
    Symbol: Lotus Flower
    Always saying: “You can take the girl out of the trash”
    Grand Duke XI Michael Bowman(deceased)
    Colors: Blue and Silver
    Symbol: Unicorn
    Always saying: “Where’s Bruce”
    Coronation Theme: “Cossack Capers”

    In 1984 HIV and AIDS were in the news and anti-gay attacks were on the rise. Young attackers were common including a trio of teenagers in Maine who only received 40 months for throwing a gay man off a bridge, where he drowned. To make matters worse, the new “HTLV3” test was being implemented but was also being used as a tool to continue discrimination against people who tested Positive. Trixie Trash became aware of her HIV status during her reign, but she never stopped working hard for the organization.  In fact Trixie would be know for renewing the Grand Ducal Council lapsed Trademark, incorporating the organization. This wouldn’t go into effect until 1993 though. Trixie was the 1st Monarch to pass away from complications associated with AIDS. In her memory the Ducal Court created the Trixie Trash Workhorse Award to honor her commitment to service.

    On September 22, 2023, the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco will celebrate 50 years of Camp and Fundraising. The celebration will take place at the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Please consider becoming a sponsor.


    Tickets ($80) will go on sale from March 1, 2023–August 25, 2023, with a hard stop on that final date. Save the dates then both for your ticket purchases and for this once-in-a-lifetime historic event!

    Celebrating 50 Years of the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco
    Published on January 12, 2023