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    Gypsy Love: Be Open to Exploring Unexpected Options

    Gypsy Love: Be Open to Exploring Unexpected Options

    Academy Award-winning actress and spirited social activist Susan Sarandon has publicly attributed her remarkable success to one important fact: None of her best-laid life plans ever panned out. Ultimately, something…

    What Makes Us Happy?

    What Makes Us Happy?

    No question that we can ask is more important in helping us direct our lives than “What will make me hap­py?” But few of us ever seriously con­sider the question,…

    Be Sure to See “Test” and “Burning Blue”

    Be Sure to See “Test” and “Burning Blue”

    Set in 1985 San Francisco, the low-budget Test is a compelling drama about the onset of the AIDS crisis. Frankie (Scott Marlowe) is a dancer whose unease about the disease…

    Getting to “I DO”: Sharing Stories to Change Hearts and Minds

    Getting to “I DO”: Sharing Stories to Change Hearts and Minds

    Over the course of the marriage equality movement, one key thing we’ve learned in state after state is that sharing our stories with others is critical. The single most powerful…

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “June 3rd is Election Day. Queer the vote: get out and vote for the out candidates whenever possible!” HARVEY MILK STAMP UN­VEILING…

    Lyon-Martin Health Services Unveils New Plan for Long Term Sustainability and Growth

    This week, the Board and Staff of Lyon-Martin Health Services announced they are exploring a potential merger with HealthRIGHT 360—a family of health centers and behavioral health programs serving communities…

    A Year Like None Other: NCLR’s Litigation Work

    A Year Like None Other: NCLR’s Litigation Work

    By Christopher Stoll, Esq. Ever since NCLR’s founding, we have been at the forefront of some of the most important legal cases in the history of the LGBT movement, from…

      Maggie, Michael, Marriage, Memory and Where Our Movement Goes Next – The column was not exactly as advertised. This week, I finally got around to reading the blog posted on…

    Ann Rostow: Spring Forward, Fall Back

    By Ann Rostow Spring Forward, Fall Back For two columns now, I’ve steered clear of discussing the insider book about the Prop 8 case, Forcing the Spring, written by Pulitzer…

    NCLR Advances LGBT Equality Through Policy and Legislation

    NCLR Advances LGBT Equality Through Policy and Legislation

    By Maya Rupert, Esq. NCLR’s public policy and legislative team has been busy in Washington, D.C., working with the Obama administration and our friends on Capitol Hill to make sure…

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