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    Yukio Mishima: Silk and Insight

    Yukio Mishima: Silk and Insight

    The dark troubles that followed World War II for Japan produced a troubled writer to express the confusions and conflicts of a nation transformed, in a matter of months, from…

    Can I Learn to Control My Drinking?

    Can I Learn to Control My Drinking?

    Q: I spent my twenties and most of my thirties getting loaded. It was crystal meth that finally brought me to my knees. I haven’t used that in a year,…



    As we celebrated LGBT couples getting married in Arkansas last weekend, we were packing our bags to head to my 30th college class reunion—attending together as a legally married couple.…

    Dressing Up Your Ceremony

    Dressing Up Your Ceremony

    If you are the romantic type, you will want to have poems, quotations, song lyrics, and the like in your ceremony. Of course, your own writing would be fabulous! But,…

    Playwright Laurinda Brown Exposes Human Nature with Grit & Passion

    Playwright Laurinda Brown Exposes  Human Nature with Grit & Passion

    Walk Like a Man dares audience goers to “strap on your attitude and dive into ten different pulsating stories from women who love the way you love, living life on…

    Chinese Puzzle Is Messy and Fragmented, But That’s What Makes It Appealing

    Chinese Puzzle Is Messy and Fragmented,  But That’s What Makes It Appealing

    Chinese Puzzle is the third film—after L’auberge Espagnole and Russian Dolls—starring Romain Duris as Xavier Rousseau and directed by Cédric Klapisch. This entry is set mostly in New York City,…

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “A proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10, an underpinning of President Obama’s economic agenda and an issue that Democrats…

    Question Reality

    Question Reality

    Listen to the whisper of the Universe and echo what you hear with a gentle tongue. The present beckons us to bring a childlike curiosity into our everyday life, thus…

    Mitigating the Impacts of Evictions

    Mitigating the Impacts of Evictions

    (Editor’s Note: We are honored to present a new column for the Bay Times, authored by Supervisor David Campos. We have long admired his work and his efforts to champion…

    Ann Rostow: Hmmmm. What Shall We Talk About?

    By Ann Rostow Hmmmm. What Shall We Talk About? I think there are only three states left in the country that are not embroiled in a federal marriage suit, not…

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