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    SF Pride’s Safety Team Really Does Save Lives

    SF Pride’s Safety Team Really Does Save Lives

    Each year during the San Francisco Pride Parade, we’ve seen potentially dangerous situations: the person who walks into heavy traffic as the parade is dispersing, the inebriated individual who totters…

    Sports Pride in 2015

    Sports Pride in 2015

    June has become Pride Month in locales around the globe, celebrating who we are as LGBTQ people, and the diversity of our lives and loves and choices as equal human…

    Part of the Holy Whole

    Raising flags of national and tribal distinction often ruffles my Aquarian sensibilities regarding our collective humanity. Tribalism can refer to a group attitude of undeserved pride and superiority based solely…

    Welcome to San Francisco Pride 2015!

    Welcome to San Francisco Pride 2015!

    By Gary Virginia Welcome to the 45th Anniversary of the San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade & Celebration! The entire city is electric with excitement as we roll out the rainbow…

    The Guide to Pride

    The Guide to Pride

    Welcome to San Francisco Pride, where every identity, gender, kink and kind are celebrated! Hundreds of thousands of visitors from outside the Bay Area will attend San Francisco Pride this…

    sisterdSister Dana sez, “Look for me, the totally rainbowed-out queer nun riding in the “San Francisco Bay Times” contingent in the Pride Parade.”

    sisterdSister Dana sez, “Look for me, the totally rainbowed-out queer nun riding in the “San Francisco Bay Times” contingent in the Pride Parade.”

    Sister Dana sez, “Look for me, the totally rainbowed-out queer nun riding in the “San Francisco Bay Times” contingent in the Pride Parade. And if you see him walking around,…

    Victory and More

    Victory and More

    Dr. Marcy Adelman We have much to celebrate, given all of the recent marriage equality gains both here and around the world. At last our beautiful loving relationships are being…

    The Journey Is the Goal

    The Journey Is the Goal

    By Cris Williamson In my youth, a wonderful Irish playwright once told me that all art must have three elements: a foot in the Past, a foot in the Present,…

    Thoughts on Women’s Music

    Thoughts on Women’s Music

    By Margie Adam My initiation into the world of Women’s Music came in l973 at an “open mike” at Kate Millet’s Sacramento Women’s Music Festival. There were maybe 50 women…

    A Banner Year for Women’s Music

    A Banner Year for Women’s Music

    By Melanie DeMore My first encounter with Women’s Music happened in my senior year in college in 1976. I was dating a woman who was in the military (and, by…

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