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    Volunteering for Frameline By Howard M. Steiermann

    Volunteering for Frameline  By Howard M. Steiermann

    As soon as I notice the rainbow flags along Market Street in June, a smile forms at the corner of my mouth and stretches up to my eyes. But Pride…

    Let’s Talk About Daddies

    Let’s Talk About Daddies

    What makes a daddy? By the old definition, it’s a man who had children. Now, in our new LGBT world full of niches, daddies are older men who could have…

    Elope, or Have a Wedding?

    Elope, or Have a Wedding?

    Over the 11 years I have been officiating weddings, most couples have chosen to celebrate marriage with a full wedding ceremony surrounded by friends and relatives. But some choose to…

    The Women’s Movement, My Mom, and Marriage Equality

    The Women’s Movement, My Mom, and Marriage Equality

    Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s observation during the Supreme Court marriage equality hearings about the importance of the evolution of marriage under the law from “a relationship of a dominant male…

    The Yellow Brick Road or a Walk Down Musical Memory Lane

    The Yellow Brick Road or a Walk Down Musical Memory Lane

    By Dr. Timothy Seelig Elton John’s music has often been described as providing the “sound- track of our lives.” And that it has. There are very few artists who have…

    The Intersection of Teaching and Writing

    The Intersection of Teaching and Writing

    Michele Karlsberg: How does the intersection of teaching and writing affect you? Leslea Newman: According to George Bernard Shaw, “Those who can, do; those who can’t teach.” Hogwash! I propose…

    The Fresh Meat Festival: Serving Up Spectacular Transgender & Queer Performance

    The Fresh Meat Festival: Serving Up Spectacular Transgender & Queer Performance

    Transgender opera stars, international gay ballroom champions, a gender-bending boy band, vogue superstars, and queer Colombian Folkloric dance? All this and more hit the stage at San Francisco’s annual June…

    Frameline 2015 Must-See Films By Gary M. Kramer

    Frameline 2015 Must-See Films By Gary M. Kramer

    Frameline, San Francisco’s annual LGBT Film Festival screens at area theaters June 18–28. There are dozens of features, shorts, documentaries and revivals playing. Here is a rundown of what to…

    Panama-Pacific Centennial Concert Brings 1915 World’s Fair to Life

    Panama-Pacific Centennial Concert Brings 1915 World’s Fair to Life

    By Heidi Beeler This year, the 37th Annual Pride Concert expands the boundaries of Pride to include the entire City of San Francisco when it brings to life music from…

    Sister Dana sez, “I am so thrilled that virulently homophobic Repugnican Rick Santorum is running for president…”

    Sister Dana sez, “I am so thrilled that virulently homophobic Repugnican Rick Santorum is running for president…”

    Sister Dana sez, “I am so thrilled that virulently homophobic Repugnican Rick Santorum is running for president, because his name is already known far and wide for a very different…

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