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    Horizons Foundation’s Bold Plan to Safeguard Our Community

    Horizons Foundation’s Bold Plan to Safeguard Our Community

    Roger Doughty and Horizons Foundation have a vision for the LGBTQ community—and a plan to get there.  When he started volunteering for grassroots LGBTQ nonprofits years ago, Roger Doughty quickly…

    Seniors Improving Safety in the Tenderloin, and Getting Paid!

    “There is a cambio totalmente (total change) from the beginning to now. We make a difference and we can see that.”   -Margarita Mina, Corner Captain Margarita Mina, a senior resident…

    Trucks that Resemble Daddy and Son

    Trucks that Resemble Daddy and Son

    September means it’s time for San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair, which is the world’s largest leather event. One lifestyle we see there is the dom/sub relationship, which can be expressed…

    Prepare for These Milestones as Retirement Approaches

    Prepare for These Milestones as Retirement Approaches

    Over a two-decade span ranging from ages 50 to 70-1/2, investors will face multiple milestone decisions that will likely impact their retirement savings and portfolio. As you navigate through each…

    Spirit Figure from New Guinea at the de Young

    Spirit Figure from New Guinea at the de Young

    Figures incorporating hook forms were part of an ancient New Guinea tradition extending from the upper reaches of the Sepik River to the Ramu River Valley, 1,000 miles to the…

    Younger Gay Men Trending Toward Monogamy

    Younger Gay Men Trending Toward Monogamy

    Blake Spears and Lanz Lowen have been together in an open relationship for over 40 years, and in past columns I’ve reported on their in-depth research on the viability of…

    In the News: September 15, 2016

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan Eight Wins for LGBT Equality The California Legislature passed the final bill of Equality California’s 2016 legislative package, a total of eight bills and resolutions sponsored…

    Ann Rostow: Get Well Soon!

    Ann Rostow: Get Well Soon!

    By Ann Rostow Get Well Soon! Hello, everyone. Are any of you as petrified as Mel and me, hanging onto the edge of the cliff by our fingernails for the…

    Ballot Badness: Vote No on Props Q, R, P and U

    Ballot Badness: Vote No on Props Q, R, P and U

    In my last column I wrote about two ballot measures that I like a lot: Proposition B (City College parcel tax) and Proposition W (Free City College). This month, just…

    Recent Naval Reunion Opened Emotional Wounds Created by Past Homophobic, Sexist Policies

    Recent Naval Reunion Opened Emotional Wounds Created by Past Homophobic, Sexist Policies

    Have you ever gone to one of your high school or college reunions? For some of you, school was a great experience, where you made great friends, and so now…