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    Rainbow Grocery Cooperative Stays True to Its Soul-Satisfying Mission

    Rainbow Grocery Cooperative Stays True to Its Soul-Satisfying Mission

    The Rainbow Grocery is on a street that members of our team often travel, going from San Francisco to other parts of the Bay Area and back. The happy rainbow…

    Something for the Boys

    Something for the Boys

    He is probably the most important and influential American author that nobody reads. Horatio Alger, Jr., best known for his inspiring “books for boys”—more than  a hundred of them—popularized one…

    Romantic Gay Drama Lazy Eye Features Seductive, Sensitive and Very Eye-Catching Male Leads

    Romantic Gay Drama Lazy Eye Features Seductive, Sensitive and Very Eye-Catching Male Leads

    In writer/director Tim Kirkman’s poignant, romantic drama Lazy Eye, recently released on DVD, Dean (Lucas Near-Verbrugghe) is a Los Angeles-based graphic designer with the titular ocular problem. One day, out…

    Gratitude, Attitude and Spanks

    Gratitude, Attitude and Spanks

    f light. I thought and thought about that and looked deep inside for words to inspire and enlighten. Humor would be good if I could find some. I thought, “I’ll…

    A Thanksgiving Gift

    A Thanksgiving Gift

    From all of us at Inside Out Fitness, we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Relax. Enjoy your food. Even enjoy your family, if you can! Keep reading, because I will…

    Sister Dana sez, “I know I threatened to move to Canada if the election didn’t turn out.”

    Sister Dana sez, “I know I threatened to move to Canada if the election didn’t turn out.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “I know I threatened to move to Canada if the election didn’t turn out my way, but it turns out Thanksgiving is here, and…

    San Francisco’s Official Response to the Election of Trump

    San Francisco’s Official Response to the Election of Trump

    The San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently passed a resolution, introduced by Board President London Breed, in response to the election of Donald Trump. The resolution reads as follows:  …

    Thanksgiving 2016

    Thanksgiving 2016

    Slightly more than two years ago I introduced the Aging in Community column and promised to identify opportunities and challenges that San Francisco LGBT elders face in later life. The focus of the column has…

    Fall Season – All Over Town

    Fall Season – All Over Town

    In The News: 11.10.2016

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan LGBT Center Hit by Thefts, Vandalism, Homophobic Graffiti A recent rash of burglaries and vandalism targeting the nonprofit Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa has stirred…