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    Tell Your Story with Flowers

    Tell Your Story with Flowers

    By Chelsea Bowman Wonnell “The earth laughs in flowers.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson Laughter is needed at every wedding celebration … and so are flowers! The floral decor sets the scene…

    Poet in Residence: Kit Kennedy

    Poet in Residence: Kit Kennedy

    Kit Kennedy is the Poet-in-Residence of the San Francisco Bay Times and at her church Ebenezer Lutheran. She has published 5 poetry collections, and for the past several years she…



    By Tom Moon, MFT “The unexamined life is not worth living.” That saying, which Plato attributed to Socrates, succinctly expresses the basic value underlying psychotherapy and most other forms of…

    Reindeer Games

    Reindeer Games

    By Dr. Tim Seelig The holidays can just wear you out. Take heart, they’ll be over soon enough. Even holiday music can get old really quickly—like two days after Halloween…

    The Year in Queer Film 2016

    The Year in Queer Film 2016

    By Gary M. Kramer The year in queer film 2016 had both notable achievements—Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight, about three stages in the life of an African American man, chief among them—and…

    2016 Sports Year End Review: New Records and Standards Established

    2016 Sports Year End Review: New Records and Standards Established

    By John Chen 2016 has been a really intriguing and exciting year in sports. LeBron James finally won the NBA Title for the “land,” ending a 52-year pro sports championship…

    Inside Out is Going Easy

    Inside Out is Going Easy

    By Cinder Ernst We are changing our name to Easy Fitness! Why, you might ask? Because when you use the Inside Out Fitness techniques, the result is that you exercise…

    Sister Dana Sez, “The Holidays are here!”

    Sister Dana Sez, “The Holidays are here!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “The holidays are here! I will not be enlisting in the Christian Far Right’s fight against the ‘War on Christmas,’ and will feel free…

    ABC Mini-series When We Rise to Benefit from Cleve Jones-Dustin Black Collaboration

    ABC Mini-series When We Rise to Benefit from Cleve Jones-Dustin Black Collaboration

    Cleve Jones’ memoir inspired the ABC mini-series of the same name, When We Rise, which is scheduled to run on ABC in February 2017. We cannot wait to see it,…

    Bereavement and the LGBTQ Community

    Bereavement and the LGBTQ Community

    The holidays can be a difficult time for those who are grieving. We sat down with Michelle Miller, M.A., MFTI, who is a bereavement counseling intern at Hospice by the Bay, to talk about grief and…