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    Building a Successful Business: Bank with Experts

    Building a Successful Business: Bank with Experts

    By Wendy Ross Young businesses, large and small, are flourishing in the Bay Area. Those that are highly successful have the assistance of trusted advisors, including accountants and lawyers. The…

    Queer Life in the Best Little Neighborhood You’ve Never Heard of: SF’s Portola District

    Queer Life in the Best Little Neighborhood You’ve Never Heard of: SF’s Portola District

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney We’ve all heard of San Francisco’s famous LGBT neighborhoods such as the Castro and Polk Street, right? But how about the Portola? The “Portowhat?”…

    Living the Laughter Lifestyle

    Living the Laughter Lifestyle

    By Karen Williams, M.Ed. (Editor’s Note: With this article, we welcome back talented columnist Karen Williams, who is also a popular stage performer and motivational speaker. She is the Founder…

    San Francisco’s New Port Director Elaine Forbes

    San Francisco’s New Port Director Elaine Forbes

    San Francisco’s New Port Director Elaine Forbes Hits the Ground Running with Visionary Plans to Address Everything from Historic Pier Restoration to Social Justice Concerns Elaine Forbes was appointed by…

    Title Dysfunctional Family Roles: #2 The Scapegoat

    Title Dysfunctional Family Roles: #2 The Scapegoat

    By Tom Moon, MFT In the previous column, I described dysfunctional families as “characterized by abuse coupled with denial that any abuse is going on; by disrespect and violations of…

    Academy Award-Nominated Documentary I Am Not Your Negro Reminds Viewers of James Baldwin’s Greatness and Still-Relevant Work

    Academy Award-Nominated Documentary I Am Not Your Negro Reminds Viewers of James Baldwin’s Greatness and Still-Relevant Work

    By Gary M. Kramer Raoul Peck’s rousing, provocative documentary, I Am Not Your Negro, opening February 3 in San Francisco, is a tone poem and a clarion call. This urgent,…

    Sister Dana Sez, “Have We Survived the Denauguration.”

    Sister Dana Sez, “Have We Survived the Denauguration.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Have we all survived the DENAUGURATION (I can’t even use the proper word) of the Orange Ogre of Oligarchy & Plutocracy? Personally, I have not, and…

    LGBT Sports 2017

    LGBT Sports 2017

    By John Chen Now that 2016 is over, we look forward to a new year filled with pitching, catching, pounding, butt patting, fist bumping, swinging, sweating, stroking, panting … wait,…

    Women’s March Bay Area – January 21, 2017

    Women’s March Bay Area – January 21, 2017

    Remarks Presented by U.S. Senator Kamala Harris What a beautiful sight I see. What do my eyes behold? This is an extraordinary day and we all should be extremely proud.…

    Women’s March on Washington & Sister Marches

    Women’s March on Washington & Sister Marches

    San Francisco Bay Times Salutes Our Readers and Friends Who Attends the Women’s March in Washington D.C. and Sisters Marches in Other Cities, Including the Bay Area.  …

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