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    So You’re Engaged … Now What?

    So You’re Engaged … Now What?

    By Frederick Sullivan, C.W.P., and Jaime Botello If your partner recently popped “the question” and you said, “I do,” here are some immediate next steps to consider. Call Your Relatives—Even…

    Dance Brigade Celebrates 40 Years of Art and Activism

    Dance Brigade Celebrates 40 Years of Art and Activism

    By Debra Walker “The Devil whispered in my ear, ‘You are not strong enough to withstand the storm.’ Today I whispered in the Devil’s ear, ‘I am the storm.’” Leonard…

    Often Outrageous Gay Filmmaker Works in More Restrained Mode for Julieta

    Often Outrageous Gay Filmmaker Works in More Restrained Mode for Julieta

    By Gary M. Kramer Julieta, which opened last week in San Francisco, has the often-outrageous gay filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar working in a more restrained mode. This drama, based on three…

    Sister Dana Sez, “Have we already broken our New Year’s resolutions?”

    Sister Dana Sez, “Have we already broken our New Year’s resolutions?”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Have we already broken our New Year’s resolutions? Well, take my annual Resolution Solution: ‘I resolve to be the best me I can possibly be.’…

    Two Zoomy Coupes for the Winter Blues

    Two Zoomy Coupes for the Winter Blues

    By Philip Ruth “Tell me something good.” That’s what I text one of my classic-car buddies after we’ve vented about the daily updates regarding our president-elect. We both work alone,…

    Curated: Frank Stella’s Prints

    Curated: Frank Stella’s Prints

    At the de Young, Anderson Gallery 17, through June 25, 2017 Frank Stella’s Prints highlights the American artist’s experimental printmaking over a twenty-five-year period starting in 1967, the year he began…

    Sister Marches

    Sister Marches

    The Women’s March is a national movement to unify and empower everyone who stands for human rights, civil liberties and social justice for all. We gather in community to find…

    Walking Is Wonderful

    Walking Is Wonderful

    By Cinder Ernst I’ve been a personal fitness trainer for almost 30 years—wow! Most of those years have been spent helping plus size reluctant exercisers become Easy Fitness movers and…

    Millions of Women Prepare to March Locally and Worldwide

    Millions of Women Prepare to March Locally and Worldwide

    Defenders of Human Rights Ready for Women’s Marches on January 21 Walking through the very silent early morning streets of San Francisco on the first day of this year, I…

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