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    Pre And Post Holidays All Over Town and More!

    Pre And Post Holidays All Over Town and More!


    In the News: 1.12.2017

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan Mayor Lee Appoints Jeff Sheehy As First Openly HIV-Positive Supervisor Mayor Edwin M. Lee announced the appointment of Jeff Sheehy as District 8 Supervisor, filling newly-elected…

    Ann Rostow: Where No One Has Gone Before

    Ann Rostow: Where No One Has Gone Before

    By Ann Rostow Where No One Has Gone Before I no longer wake up in surreal shock. In some ways, I suppose I’ve accepted the fact that Donald Trump has…

    Still Dreaming on MLK Weekend

    Still Dreaming on MLK Weekend

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney When John attended his 40th high school reunion in Kansas City last fall, it dawned on him that he and his classmates started kindergarten…

    Get Covered Today

    Get Covered Today

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting Eight years ago, access to affordable health insurance seemed like a pipedream for millions of working families. Insurers refused coverage to those with preexisting conditions, and…

    Lavender Sweep at City College

    Lavender Sweep at City College

    By Rafael Mandelman City College’s governing board has a queer majority. All four of the Trustees sworn in at our January 4 inauguration ceremony—newly elected Trustees Tom Temprano and Shanell…

    On the Precipice of a Trump Administration and Local Political Changes

    On the Precipice of a Trump Administration and Local Political Changes

    By Zoe Dunning Change Is Coming for Democrats Back in October, I was so confident Hillary Clinton would be our next President that I went ahead and booked roundtrip flights…

    8 Tips to Improve Your Financial Communication

    8 Tips to Improve Your Financial Communication

    By Brandon Miller, CFP What makes a couple successful in their financial relationship? Ameriprise Financial surveyed over 1,500 couples (those married or living together for at least six months) to…

    Dysfunctional Family Roles: #1 The Hero

    Dysfunctional Family Roles: #1 The Hero

    By Tom Moon, MFT The phrase “dysfunctional family” may have become a cliché, but it does describe something real and all-too-common. Dysfunctional families are characterized by abuse coupled with denial…

    Four LGBT FAQs in the Trumpocalypse

    Four LGBT FAQs in the Trumpocalypse

    By Michele Karlsberg Elizabeth Schwartz, the Miami family and estate attorney who helped win marriage equality in Florida, could not have had her book Before I Do published at a better time.…

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