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    Lady Camden and Myles Thatcher’s Mesmerizing Dance

    Lady Camden and Myles Thatcher’s Mesmerizing Dance

    San Francisco Bay Times columnist David Landis recently interviewed San Francisco Ballet star Myles Thatcher. Myles earlier this year collaborated with Ru Paul’s Drag Race season 14 contestant Lady Camden…

    Hunky Jesus & Foxy Mary Return, The Bay Times Easter Bunny and More!

    Published on April 21, 2022…

    Ann Rostow: When Will It End?

    Ann Rostow: When Will It End?

    By Ann Rostow– When Will It End? It’s another week of nonstop anti-GLBT state legislative news, as “Don’t Say Gay” bills begin to litter the country. They’re not all as…

    San Francisco LGBT Center 20th Anniversary Soirée

    San Francisco LGBT Center 20th Anniversary Soirée

    Photos by Rink To those of us who attended the Grand Opening of The Center twenty years ago, the 20th Anniversary Soirée brought back many memories. San Francisco Bay Times…

    Be the Change You Want to See

    By Kochina Rude– It was a pleasure to have an easy conversation about tough subjects for the forum Drag Activism at The Academy SF on April 7 with Sister Roma, Afrika…

    Focusing on Hope

    Focusing on Hope

    By Joanie Juster– Spring has definitely sprung in San Francisco. The Sisters have blessed San Francisco again with their only-in-San Francisco Easter festivities in Dolores Park. A lucky few are…

    Three Complicated Concerns for April 2022

    Three Complicated Concerns for April 2022

    By Carolyn Wysinger– In case you haven’t heard … we are having a Pride Parade in June!!! And as you can imagine, I am pretty busy. So busy, in fact,…

    Springtime Is for Celebration and Renewal

    Springtime Is for Celebration and Renewal

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.– Many countries and cultural groups recognize the season of spring in a variety of ways. Generally, it is a time for renewal and rebirth to instill…

    A Proper Victorian Lesbian

    A Proper Victorian Lesbian

    By Jewelle Gomez– I’ve long been a fan of Victoriana including the writing of George Eliot and Charles Dickens. They had things in common with James Baldwin that I loved—erudite…

    We Need More Homekey to Get Californians Housed

    We Need More Homekey to Get Californians Housed

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– California is facing a housing affordability crisis with housing costs exceeding growth in wages, particularly for low-income households. In California, approximately 2.5 million…