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    Sister Dana sez, “Terrifying Trump actually said regarding news reporters, ‘Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.’

    Sister Dana sez, “Terrifying Trump actually said regarding news reporters, ‘Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.’

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Terrifying Trump actually said regarding news reporters, ‘Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.’ Could he BE more…

    Sister Dana sez, “The honeymoon in Helsinki with Putin’s puppet aka Traitor Trump has shown just how willing the presi-dense is to sell out America and its foundations, its institutions, its allies, and most of the press—even calling the fourth estate ‘an enemy of the state.’ “

    Sister Dana sez, “The honeymoon in Helsinki with Putin’s puppet aka Traitor Trump has shown just how willing the presi-dense is to sell out America and its foundations, its institutions, its allies, and most of the press—even calling the fourth estate ‘an enemy of the state.’ “

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “The honeymoon in Helsinki with Putin’s puppet aka Traitor Trump has shown just how willing the presi-dense is to sell out America and its…

    Sister Dana sez, “So now that Gay Pride Month is over, are we supposed to return to Gay Shame?”

    Sister Dana sez, “So now that Gay Pride Month is over, are we supposed to return to Gay Shame?”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “So now that Gay Pride Month is over, are we supposed to return to Gay Shame? Aw hell no! Gay Pride is every month,…

    Sister Dana sez, “Well, Putin’s lap dog, Trump the Chump, has been busy doing Vlad’s bidding—wanting to bring in Russia to the G7 after it was thrown out for invading the Ukraine; and then angering and alienating our six allied nations (who aptly renamed the summit as the G6 + 1).

    Sister Dana sez, “Well, Putin’s lap dog, Trump the Chump, has been busy doing Vlad’s bidding—wanting to bring in Russia to the G7 after it was thrown out for invading the Ukraine; and then angering and alienating our six allied nations (who aptly renamed the summit as the G6 + 1).

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Well, Putin’s lap dog, Trump the Chump, has been busy doing Vlad’s bidding—wanting to bring in Russia to the G7 after it was thrown…

    Sister Dana sez, “I loved how the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, head of the American Episcopal Church, who has spoken out positively about immigration and marriage equality, preached about the power of love at the Royal Wedding. A concept that the Trumpians will never ever truly comprehend.”

    Sister Dana sez, “I loved how the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, head of the American Episcopal Church, who has spoken out positively about immigration and marriage equality, preached about the power of love at the Royal Wedding. A concept that the Trumpians will never ever truly comprehend.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “I loved how the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, head of the American Episcopal Church, who has spoken out positively about immigration and marriage…

    Sister Dana sez, “How ironic that First Lady Melania Trump is rallying her ‘Be Best’ campaign against online bullying, while First Ogre President Trump has posted over 450 (and counting) bullying tweets since declaring for that stolen office! Yikes!”

    Sister Dana sez, “How ironic that First Lady Melania Trump is rallying her ‘Be Best’ campaign against online bullying, while First Ogre President Trump has posted over 450 (and counting) bullying tweets since declaring for that stolen office! Yikes!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “How ironic that First Lady Melania Trump is rallying her ‘Be Best’ campaign against online bullying, while First Ogre President Trump has posted over…

    Sister Dana sez, “Trump calls FBI’s James Comey a ‘slime ball.’ Yeah, well, people in glass White Houses shouldn’t throw stones!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Trump calls FBI’s James Comey a ‘slime ball.’ Yeah, well, people in glass White Houses shouldn’t throw stones!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Trump calls FBI’s James Comey a ‘slime ball.’ Yeah, well, people in glass White Houses shouldn’t throw stones!” In 1998, Larry Hashbarger and Skip Young opened AsiaSF. This…

    Sister Dana sez, “April showers bring MayFlowers, but who wants a bunch of oppressive Puritan immigrants sailing on ships coming to our shores?!”

    Sister Dana sez, “April showers bring MayFlowers, but who wants a bunch of oppressive Puritan immigrants sailing on ships coming to our shores?!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “April showers bring MayFlowers, but who wants a bunch of oppressive Puritan immigrants sailing on ships coming to our shores?!” The monthly CASTRO ART WALK gave…

    Sister Dana sez, “Everyone knows I have been preaching impeaching the Trump monster ever since the Orange Ogre stole the presidency.”

    Sister Dana sez, “Everyone knows I have been preaching impeaching the Trump monster ever since the Orange Ogre stole the presidency.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Everyone knows I have been preaching impeaching the Trump monster ever since the Orange Ogre stole the presidency. But suddenly I realize that impeachment is…

    Sister Dana sez, “So Trump has already launched his 2020 campaign with the slogan: ‘Keep America Great!’ including a big exclamation point. But shouldn’t it realistically end with a question mark?”

    Sister Dana sez, “So Trump has already launched his 2020 campaign with the slogan: ‘Keep America Great!’ including a big exclamation point. But shouldn’t it realistically end with a question mark?”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “So Trump has already launched his 2020 campaign with the slogan: ‘Keep America Great!’ including a big exclamation point. But shouldn’t it realistically end…