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    Be a Warrior of Love

    Be a Warrior of Love

    The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers is a global alliance of native female elders who, despite their different languages and cultures, share a common mission. By educating communities across…

    Strengthen Your Mind By Opening Your Heart

    Strengthen Your Mind By Opening Your Heart

    French Buddhist Matthieu Ricard has been dubbed “the world’s happiest man.” After earning a PhD in molecular genetics, he veered from academia, moved to Nepal, and devoted his life to…

    Use Your Imagination to Fuel Creativity, Not Anxiety

    Use Your Imagination to Fuel Creativity, Not Anxiety

    Physician and holistic health guru Deepak Chopra believes the world is creating a new identity. He suggests that, by merging science and spirituality, we’re transcending deep-seated divisions and cultivating a…

    Simplicity Sometimes Requires Work

    Simplicity Sometimes Requires Work

    Steve Jobs once said, “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work to make it simple…But once you get there, you can move mountains.” Currently, the cosmos calls…

    Fine Tune Your Family Anthem

    Fine Tune Your Family Anthem

    When composers Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers initially pitched Sister Sledge’s “We are Family” to Atlantic Records in 1979, they were promptly rejected. Yet, despite doubtful label executives, the track’s…

    Your Dreams Don’t Have an Expiration Date

    Your Dreams Don’t Have an Expiration Date

    Julia Child didn’t learn to cook until she was nearly forty years old. Morgan Freeman acted for decades before propelling into worldwide success in his fifties with Street Smart and…

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