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    Recycle Your Life

    Recycle Your Life

    Variety is the spice of life! At least, that’s the word on the street. For most of us, change is challenging to embrace and we sidestep it at every opportunity.…

    The Fundamental Gateway to Enlightenment Is Silence

    The Fundamental Gateway to Enlightenment Is Silence

    Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950) is considered to have been one of the most preeminent Indian gurus of modern times. His teachings maintain that, by focusing intently on inner awareness, we liberate…

    Sizzling Sheena Rose

    Sizzling Sheena Rose

    By Kippy Marks The rhythm of Sheena Rose’s music keeps me dancing, and the vision of her working the stage puts a smile on my face. She is an 80’s…

    SF’s Winter Fancy Food Show

    SF’s Winter Fancy Food Show

    By Elaine Viegas For professional foodies, San Francisco’s Winter Fancy Food Show is like Christmas, Chanukah and birthdays all rolled into one. Since the countdown is now on for the…

    In-Lawful Marriage

    In-Lawful Marriage

    When Jeff and I married this past September, we expected that we would recognize a difference in our lives and in our relationship after tying the knot. There are tangible…

    Build Immunity to Guilt-tripping

    Build Immunity to Guilt-tripping

    In every culture there are people and institutions that deliberately work to instill guilt in people. The reason is easy to understand. Those who feel guilty are easier to dominate,…

    Multiple Marriages, Same Spouse!

    Multiple Marriages, Same Spouse!

    If someone says they’ve been married more than once, in mainstream US culture the listener would assume the speaker got married, divorced, and then married someone else. Sure, there have…

    Feast on the World’s Wow Factor

    Feast on the World’s Wow Factor

    In the book Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, Bay Area-based novelist Anne Lamott defines “Wow” as a vital prayer of wonder. This sacred three-letter word praises the sheer…

    How Can I Help You?

    How Can I Help You?

    Anyone who is in a career such as real estate is hopefully in the business because he or she wants to help people. I could probably write several columns about…

    Home Seekers Have More Buying Power in Oakland

    Home Seekers Have More Buying Power in Oakland

    As 2013 came to a close, my annual business synopsis pointed to the spring housing boom! That was when we knew the housing market was definitely back in good health.…