In the epic Star Wars series created by George Lucas, “The Force” is described as a binding, ubiquitous energy field flowing through all living things. When harnessed, its power can…
Each year, my partner Philip and I kick off the Holiday Season by attending DINING BY DESIGN, the annual fundraiser sponsored by DIFFA, Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS Over…
There’s a “happening” in the East Bay! Let me be your guide. I recently met a client who decided that the real estate reality of buying a home in San…
I closed last month’s column with a very brief statement about California Association of REALTORS® (CAR) releasing its annual Housing Market Forecast for 2014. In short, it looks as if…
Psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Robert Holden dedicates his life to studying happiness. Holden maintains that happiness doesn’t result from success. Rather, success stems from happiness. He states, “The reason…
I recently found a surprising Gem of the Bay. The voice resonates happiness and joy, security and fulfillment. It fills one up with a warm taste of satisfaction and leaves…
Dynamic non-profit executive Thom Lynch has nearly 25 years of leadership experience in our community, doing everything from serving as Program Director of the San Francisco Food Bank to holding…
(Editor’s Note: This is the fourth and final article of a series concerning exploring forgiveness.) If you’ve followed the series this far, you may want to forgive someone who has…
On June 25, 1978, a skinny, mustachioed music teacher blew a whistle, and a block of 70 musicians in jeans and red visors swung onto Market Street playing “California, Here…
I am on a plane en route to the San Francisco Bay Area, the land that I love! I speak of San Francisco and Oakland with unabashed affection to whomever…
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