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    10 Common Pitfalls of Remodeling (Part One)

    10 Common Pitfalls of Remodeling (Part One)

    It is true in remodeling, as it is in world history, that people are likely to repeat the mistakes of those that have gone before them. To help address this…

    Perchance to Dream

    Perchance to Dream

    I don’t often talk about the luxury real estate market, primarily because “luxury” means different things to different people. It’s also a fact that high-end living is something that most…

    The Tale of ‘U’: Listen to Yourself to Get the Design You Want

    The Tale of ‘U’:  Listen to Yourself to Get the Design You Want

    As an interior designer and stylist, I am often asked about the “new trends” emerging in home goods. It would be easy to be pithy and declare with absolute certainty…

    Love Letters

    Love Letters

    My partner Taylor and I have a fierce, running debate about “love letters” from buyers to sellers. For those of you who do not know what a real estate “love…

    What You Should Expect

    What You Should Expect

    OK, I’ll just say it. Real estate agents are a dime a dozen. Many people believe agents aren’t even necessary in order for them to buy and sell real estate.…

    Follow in Their Footsteps

    Follow in Their Footsteps

    As we celebrate Pride each June, it’s easy to overlook those courageous souls who forged the path for LGBT rights well in advance of the Stonewall Riots in 1968. Elsie…

    Ring Them Bells

    Ring Them Bells

    Since June is upon us and Gay Pride and marriage equality are on my mind, I am taking a break from remodeling to share some of my favorite ideas for…

    What to Expect When You’re Inspecting

    What to Expect When You’re Inspecting

    I attend as many of my clients’ home inspections as possible. One reason is that I care. The other reason is to learn the basic things to look for prior…

    Real Estate: What’s Happening

    Real Estate: What’s Happening

    REAs I was looking for some possible topics to discuss this month, I came across a collection of ideas posted on the website for the California Association of REALTORS® (CAR).…

    Vicious Cycle: Here Comes the Neighborhood

    Vicious Cycle: Here Comes the Neighborhood

    From the Harvard Review, July 26, 2012: The addition of one same-sex couple for every 1,000 households is associated with a 1% increase in home prices in US neighborhoods that…