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    How to Introduce Your Older/Younger Partner to Your Family

    How to Introduce Your Older/Younger Partner to Your Family

    By Dr. Frankie Bashan– Large age differences in lesbian relationships are more common than you think. According to a 2013 survey, LGBT people are more likely than straight people to…

    The Key to Empowering Ourselves

    The Key to Empowering Ourselves

    By Scott Tsui– If your journey to love has been discouraging or despairing, this article could help you to find hope and to feel motivated about achieving relationship success. In…

    How to Feel More Confident About Lesbian Dating

    How to Feel More Confident About Lesbian Dating

    By Dr. Frankie Bashan– Dear Dr. Frankie, I’m now single and putting myself out there in the dating scene. My problem is that I can’t seem to find the type of…

    The Importance of Self-awareness in Relationships: Know Yourself First

    The Importance of Self-awareness in Relationships: Know Yourself First

    By Scott Tsui– Previously we discussed three broad categories of people in terms of relationships: The Natural, Learner, and Blamer, and how their characters impact their relationship success or failure.…

    How to Transform from Blamer to Learner

    How to Transform from Blamer to Learner

    By Scott Tsui– Recently, I discussed two broad categories of people in relationships who have better chances of achieving relationship success. There are Naturals, who are comfortable in their own…

    Learners and Relationships

    Learners and Relationships

    By Scott Tsui– In my previous article I discussed a couple who navigated their ongoing 40-year relationship with ease, describing them as “Naturals.” Now I would like to discuss a…

    Pride and Prejudice in the Age of Trump

    Pride and Prejudice in the Age of Trump

    By Kin Folkz– June: 30 days, 720 hours, 43,200 minutes. It was a magnificent month filled with precious Pride opportunities for our TLGBQIA+ community to publicly profess the rightness of…

    Naturals and What Sets Them Apart

    Naturals and What Sets Them Apart

        By Scott Tsui– In my previous column, I spoke about three broad classes of people when it comes to relationships: Naturals are people with personality traits that make…

    Are You a Commitment-Phobe?

    Are You a Commitment-Phobe?

    By Dr. Frankie Bashan– Commitment-phobes believe that every relationship will end negatively. They believe that people they get close to will ultimately hurt them and they will end the relationship…

    Natural, Learner or Blamer: Knowing Your ‘Relational’ Type

    Natural, Learner or Blamer: Knowing Your ‘Relational’ Type

    By Scott Tsui– Recently, I had an interesting conversation over dinner with 3 single gay men in the Castro. One was a pharmaceutical researcher, one a dentist and the other…

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