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    Charles Farriér of Crumble & Whisk Turns Cheesecakes into Irresistible Works of Edible Art

    Charles Farriér of Crumble & Whisk Turns Cheesecakes into Irresistible Works of Edible Art

    Charles Farriér is the Monet of cheesecakes. His colorful creations, often topped with edible flowers and glistening jewel-like fruits, are as pleasing to the eye as they are to the…

    Covered Vessel in the Form of a Ballplayer, Guatemala, Teotihuacan Culture (600 AD)

    Covered Vessel in the Form of a Ballplayer, Guatemala, Teotihuacan Culture (600 AD)

    At the de Young Since ancient times, a ritual ballgame has been played throughout Mexico and Central America for religious, economic and territorial reasons. This hollow vessel depicts an athlete…

    A Life Saved by Maitri

    A Life Saved by Maitri

    By Anne Gimbel– Barbara came to Maitri almost 10 years ago for the first time, and was struggling for many of her prior years. She was diagnosed HIV positive. Her…

    5%, 36%, 60%

    5%, 36%, 60%

    By Brett Andrews At first glance, it is almost impossible to find the relevance of—and correlation between—these percentages unless, of course, you happened to be the person who recently attended…

    Recognizing Unsung Heroes: Alice Awards Recap and Upcoming D8 Candidate Debate

    Recognizing Unsung Heroes: Alice Awards Recap and Upcoming D8 Candidate Debate

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer Congratulations to Alice Award Honorees On October 16, the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club hosted its Fall Awards Ceremony, an annual tradition of honoring leadership…

    Students #TakeAKnee at Warriors LGBT Night

    Students #TakeAKnee at Warriors LGBT Night

    By Lyndsey Schlax (Editor’s Note: Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts launched the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course in 2015. She…

    Curated: Gods in Color: Polychromy in the Ancient World

    At the Legion of Honor through January 7, 2018 The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (FAMSF) is hosting Gods in Color: Polychromy in the Ancient World, an exhibition that…

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi Against the backdrop of a seemingly unending year of chaos and struggle, the universe offers us a reprieve for the moment. While we should exercise caution against…

    Diversity on Company Boards Could Affect How the Next Sexual Abuse Case Is Handled

    Diversity on Company Boards Could Affect How the Next Sexual Abuse Case Is Handled

    By Andrea Shorter #HereWeGoAgain. The recent reports of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s series of sexual assaults against women have put the issue of powerful male predatory conduct back into the…

    When Is Enough, Enough?

    When Is Enough, Enough?

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting It was the worst mass shooting in modern history—that’s what we heard last year after the Orlando Pulse nightclub massacre.  Just over a year later, with…