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    Fortnight in Review

    By Ann Rostow Pussy Non Grata I read somewhere that a woman in one of those homophobic African countries had tossed her cat into the streets, evicting him from her…

    My Fight Against the Ellis Act to Save My Home

    My Fight Against the Ellis Act to Save My Home

    By Jeremy Mykaels My story basically is that I’ve been living in a Castro rent-controlled apartment for almost 19 years. In 2001, I was diagnosed with full-blown AIDS and became…

    The Castro Is Going Straight

    The Castro Is Going Straight

    By Tommi Avicolli Mecca Mark my words: In 10 years, the Castro will be predominantly straight. The culprit is greed. It’s mainly the greed of speculators and investors who are…

    My Family Is Struggling to Stay in the Mission

    By Rose Diaz The Mission has been my home for 17 years, but my family and I are now struggling to stay here. We currently occupy a two-unit property plus…

    Time to End the “Tale of Two Cities”

    Time to End the “Tale of Two Cities”

    By David Campos Our housing crisis has reached epidemic proportions. The median home price in San Francisco is $1 million, and even the closet-sized “micro apartments” that are supposed to…

    Homelessness Is a Major Challenge to LGBT Community

    Homelessness Is a Major Challenge to LGBT Community

    By Bevan Dufty Every two years, cities that receive federal funding for homeless services are required to conduct a homeless count. In 2013, for the first time, our survey asked…

    Ninth Circuit Orders Heightened Scrutiny For Sexual Orientation Bias

    By Ann Rostow Our legal fight for marriage equality has exploded into dozens of state and federal cases, far too many for even the most organized GLBT reporter to track.…

    2013 News Quiz

    By Ann Rostow It’s time again for our annual year-in-review news quiz! Unfortunately, that means I can’t comment on the exciting developments in Utah. However, you already know all the…

    Time to Say Thanks and to Keep the Momentum Going

    Time to Say Thanks and to Keep the Momentum Going

    By Roger Doughty What a year! By almost any measure, this has been one extraordinary year in LGBT people’s long quest for equality, freedom, and dignity. Sixteen states and the…

    A More Equal 2014

    I always take stock of what I’m grateful for around the holidays. After having completed my first year as a member of the state legislature, the list of things for which…