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    2020 Census: A New Countdown to Be Counted by September 30

    2020 Census: A New Countdown to Be Counted by September 30

    By Andrea Shorter– This is an all-hands-on-deck moment for exercising new and traditional civic duties. By now it should be reflexive that when in public spaces we wear a face…

    My Father the Lifelong Activist

    My Father the Lifelong Activist

    By Stuart Gaffney– My father died last month at age 96. He was a remarkably gifted and talented economics professor, who The New York Times reported “was at the forefront”…

    Coming Out Stories: Heart of a Woman

    Coming Out Stories: Heart of a Woman

    I graduated from Wake Forest University in the 1980s and there I met the university’s first Reynolds Professor of American Studies, Dr. Maya Angelou. I read all of her works,…

    A Case for Representation: Why Diversity Initiatives Fail and Representation Matters

    A Case for Representation: Why Diversity Initiatives Fail and Representation Matters

    By Derek Barnes– The recent death of U.S. Representative John Lewis reminds us of his enduring vision and the work that one individual can pursue to attain a legacy that…

    Alzheimer’s Research Update: Highlights from the 2020 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference

    Alzheimer’s Research Update: Highlights from the 2020 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference

    By Dr. Marcy Adelman– At the recent virtual Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), several studies reported groundbreaking news of a newly developed, inexpensive, accessible, and highly accurate blood test (p…

    Summer 2020 in The Castro

    Summer 2020 in The Castro

    Photos by Drew Altizer — This year’s coronavirus pandemic has brought new experiences to us all in ways we never could have dreamed of when 2020 began. The San Francisco…

    Gay Thriller Upon This Rock Tackles Vatican Sex Scandals, International Terrorism, and Refugee Crisis

    Gay Thriller Upon This Rock Tackles Vatican Sex Scandals, International Terrorism, and Refugee Crisis

    By Eric Jansen– “Upon This Rock” is a tangled-web crime mystery set in Italy and Vatican City, with Catholic corruption, hidden homos, suicide, international terrorism, and the refugee crisis in…

    Proud to Represent California Congressional District 11 with a Vote for Biden/Harris

    Proud to Represent California Congressional District 11 with a Vote for Biden/Harris

    By Roberto Camacho– By Robert Camacho– This is why I am supporting Joe Biden to be our next president. We are going through a very challenging time. Protecting the constitution…

    Ann Rostow: Focus Everyone!

    Ann Rostow: Focus Everyone!

    By Ann Rostow– Focus Everyone! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Our only priority as a community and as Americans is to win the election—both for the…

    Crossing Our Pettus Bridge: Resisting Trump’s Cruel Summer in the Cities

    Crossing Our Pettus Bridge: Resisting Trump’s Cruel Summer in the Cities

    By Andrea Shorter– Are we there, yet? Have we now entered into the realm of the actual authoritarian state that has been mused about, warned about, and predicted to occur…