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    Unassuming Exteriors that Belie Interior Comforts

    Unassuming Exteriors that Belie Interior Comforts

    As we single LGBTs hit the bars and the apps to find our special someone, we put our best feet forward to make a good first impression. With some, the…

    City College Update, State Senate Polling and the Year of the Woman

    City College Update, State Senate Polling and the Year of the Woman

    Some Good News from City College Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Ed Lee dropped by City College’s Downtown Center at 4th and Mission on April 7th to tour the facilities…

    The Time for Equality Is Now

    The Time for Equality Is Now

    Nineteen years ago, the United States Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans struck down Colorado’s notorious Amendment 2, a state constitutional provision that revoked all local ordinances prohibiting discrimination based…

    Coming Home: Conveying a Legacy to Openhouse

    Coming Home: Conveying a Legacy to Openhouse

    Openhouse is excited to celebrate a recent pledge of $50,000 from the Coming Home Fund at the Horizons Foundation. Coming Home was a San Francisco institution that established a hospice…

    Words from Openhouse Supporters

    Words from Openhouse Supporters

    Margie Adam As we get older, many LGBT people experience a sense of growing invisibility. We’re not as likely to show up at the marches, conferences, and concerts. We’re less…

    Ann Rostow: Mike Mike Mike Mike

    Ann Rostow: Mike Mike Mike Mike

    By Ann Rostow Mike Mike Mike Mike The reaction to Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act has been heartwarming to all of us true believ­ers in the vibrant and colorful world…

    In the News

    In the News

     By Dennis McMillan Groundbreaking Legislation Passed to Prohibit Discrimination of LGBT Seniors On March 31, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted in favor of the Long-term Care Facility Residents’…

    NGPA’s Education Fund Helps Aspiring LGBT Aviators and Allies

    NGPA’s Education Fund Helps Aspiring LGBT Aviators and Allies

    Do you know an aspiring aviator? NGPA’s Education Fund provides scholarships to aviators with the de­sire to develop professional aviation skills and ratings beyond the private pilot certificate, and who…

    Water Future: Will We Have One?

    Water Future: Will We Have One?

    By Oakland Vice Mayor Rebecca Kaplan Historically, LGBT lead­ers and elected officials have needed to fight for our rights even when we were the only ones bringing up a topic,…

    Tennessee Williams: Timeless Playwright of The Human Condition

    Tennessee Williams: Timeless Playwright of The Human Condition

    While working as a contract writer for MGM in 1941, Tennessee Williams submitted a screenplay titled The Gen­tleman Caller. In a classic “Are you kid­ding?” moment, the studio rejected the…